Posted in #design,  #business, cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, udemy, udemy free course

Google Sheets: Pivot Tables + Data Insights For Beginners!

  • Do you have data in Google Sheets and not sure how to make it useful? Then this course is for you!
  • Do you want to get on the path to being Data-Savvy? Then this course is for you!
  • Do you want to grow your Google Sheets data skills? Then this course is for you!

This course has been *designed by a former Google Analytical Lead* so that you can get comfortable going from rows and columns of data in a Google Sheet to useful insights via pivot tables.

This course includes numerous hands-on examples and practice exercises that will get you feeling data-savvy.

As a bonus, practice exercises and lecture examples are included in a spreadsheet that you can keep as part of the course.

This course is broken out into 8 key sections:

  • Section 1: Introduction (what are pivot tables and how they are used in the real-world to surface data insights)
  • Section 2: An Overview of the Data Insights Pivot Table Process
  • Section 3: Applying the Data Insights Pivot Table Process
  • Section 4: Practice Exercises: Set 1 (Titanic Dataset)
  • Section 5: Solution Videos for Practice Exercises: Set 1 (Titanic Dataset)
  • Section 6: Practice Exercises: Set 2 (Red Wine Dataset)
  • Section 7: Solution Videos for Practice Exercises: Set 2 (Red Wine Dataset)
  • Section 8: Course Wrap + Bonus Content

The content has intentionally been curated for practitioners who want to apply learnings right away.

This is NOT a long drawn out course that goes deep in the weeds on academic theory.

Make the transition from decisions based on gut feel to data informed decision making!

Use this efficiently designed course to level up your data skills. Get started today! 

#AlwaysBeLearningWho this course is for:

  • Data insights beginner who wants to learn to further explore data and surface insights that can inform business decisions.
  • Anyone not comfortable extracting insights from data using Google Sheets.
  • Professionals who are not satisfied with their job and who want to get on the path to building a data analytics career.
  • Any students in college who want to get started learning data skills.
  • This course is not for those who are already doing advanced data analysis with Google Sheets pivot tables.
Posted in #design,  #business, cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness

Batting Location Charts with Vagrant and MySQL

Use R and MySQL together to create batting location charts from large data sets.

Hello beautiful people out there!!!

This course is about working with large sets of PITCHf/x data to create batting location charts. We use R to scrape and visualize the data and MySQL to store the data. The course includes lessons on how to install a virtual Ubuntu machine, how to install MySQL, how to perform basic MySQL administrative tasks, and how to connect R and MySQL.

It would be best if you have some knowledge of R and gg plot. This can be obtained through my previous three courses in baseball analytics. However, it might be possible to follow along without this.

At a relaxed pace, the course should take about two weeks to complete.Who this course is for:

  • This course is for those who want to learn how to create a hit location chart from PITCHf/x data.
  • The course is also for those who wish to know a little about working with R and MySQL together.
  • The course is NOT for complete beginners in R.

Posted in #design,  #business, Development, FoodBusiness, udemy free course

How to Make a Website 2020 WordPress Tutorial – Elementor

How to Make a Website 2020 WordPress Tutorial – Elementor

You will learn how to create & build your very own amazing WordPress website. WordPress & Elementor Page Builder

You will be able to create your very own website without having to write a single line of code.

You will learn the ins and outs of WordPress & Elementor in just a few hours!

You won’t have to waste weeks trying to learn how to set up and customize everything on your own.

Everything is explained thoroughly and straight to the point.

I will teach you the following:

1. Setting up your Website Domain Name & Hosting

2. Installing the necessary program to get started

3. Setting up everything to start customizing your website

4. Showcasing all the different options & templates to use

5. Making everything step by step from start to finish

6. Leaving you with the knowledge to create & customize your very own site

AND much more! There’s literally nothing you can lose.

Why should You even take this Course?

  • You will Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 2 Hours
  • Your WordPress Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Ipad & Mobile Friendly)
  • You will Learn To Create Custom Logos & Icons For Free!
  • We will be using a FREE WordPress theme
  • You will be able to Master WordPress & Elementor
  • You will learn how to create & edit Blog Post on WordPress
  • You will save so much money learning it yourself, instead of hiring a web developer
  • You will be Using the Most Up To Date Version of WordPress & Elementor

WordPress & Elementor are so simple to use, that once you learn them you will be able to create beautiful websites.

Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or someone who just wants to make a website, this course will be able to solve your problem. You will be able to customize your site to whatever you like!

I will be adding bonus videos in the future as well!Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in creating their own website
  • Perfect for complete beginners who have no experience
  • Experienced individuals are welcomed to take this course as well
  • Business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Creative individuals who want a different view on designing their website
  • You don’t want to learn how to code, but want to make an amazing website
  • Someone who simply wants to learn how to make a website with ease
Posted in  #business, FoodBusiness, office productivity, udemy free course

Employee Onboarding Mini Crash-Course

Learn the foundations of creating an employee onboarding experience that other organizations will be jealous of.

A Quality Employee Onboarding Experience Tends To Be Exception, And Not The Norm.

A Quality Employee Onboarding Experience Tends To Be Exception, And Not The Norm.
  • Gallup found that only 12 percent of employees strongly agree their organization does a great job of onboarding new employees.
  • A negative onboarding experience results in new hires being 2x more likely to look for other opportunities.
  • The organizational costs of employee turnover are estimated to range between 100% and 300% of the replaced employee’s salary.

Have you had a day one at your new job that looked like this?

  • Talking to people who made me feel that I’ve made the wrong choice in joining the organization.
  • An abrupt change from the interview and recruiting phase. While I was interviewing, they seemed like they couldn’t wait for me to start. When I did start, I felt taken for granted.
  • Getting in trouble for breaking unwritten rules that I wasn’t aware of.

I’m sure it took you awhile to get up to speed and find success at that organization.

But what happens with a good employee onboarding experience? 

  • From day one, I knew I had joined the right organization.
  • Instead of constantly onboarding due to turnover, you’re spending more time onboarding for new roles as your organization grows.
  • Research by Glassdoor found that organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82 percent and productivity by over 70 percent.
  • I had several people help me understand the unwritten rules, and gave me everything I needed to know, but was afraid to ask and can ease themselves into the organization.

Introducing The Employee Onboarding Mini Crash-Course!

Create a stellar employee onboarding experience to set up new hires for success from day one.

Here is What We’ll Cover:

  • Why You Should Invest In Your Employee Onboarding Experience.
  • Determining The Goals For You Employee Onboarding Experience.
  • 11 Onboarding Ideas And Best Practices That Other Organizations Use.
  • How To Make Your Onboarding Experience More Personalized.
  • How To Scale Up Your Employee Onboarding Experience.
  • How To Iterate & Improve Your Employee Onboarding Experience On The Regular.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone looking to improve their employee onboarding experience.
  • HR or People & Culture managers looking for different ways to improve their employee onboarding
  • Organizations that are facing major growth, and need to implement a foundation for their employee onboarding
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, Marketing, udemy free course

Mastering Arduino From beginners To Core Advance

“I want to put a ding in the universe.”  – Steve Jobs


This course is designed to keep the beginners in mind. The course will provide you with vast theoretical knowledge and practical examples of each part .there is no need to have any prior knowledge in C++ or electronics but if you have then it is a plus point. The course will deal with a large number of topics from basics to watchdog timers to I2C communication method the Arduino framework as well as how to build simple circuits that flash lights and spin motors. Following that, we continue our adventure into making noise, sensing the environment, and building a robot. We will begin our journey by basic knowledge of arduino and micro controllers Then we will go on basic setup processes and connections, after that we will on to running a lot of different motors. After that the sensors details and high level communication. Then the advanced topics with complete knowledge and at the end we will be going to do a complete project with the help of all the things we studied in a real time project. Each video lecture is designed to give you one building block of knowledge. Almost every lecture is followed by a hands-on exercise where I ask you to expand on that building block or combine several previous blocks. I provide solutions to each exercise to help you learn. Additionally, most of the sections contain a project that challenges you to synthesize many of the concepts found in that section and from previous sections. Upon completing this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to create fun and useful Arduino projects. The course is broken up into a Simple Projects section, an Intermediate Projects section and an Advanced Projects section allowing you to progress to or start from any level based on how comfortable you are with Arduino.

Course overview

A lot is there to study and we will begin with the basics to beginners then we will move towards intermediate and then to advance levels. A glimpse of the course is as follows:-  1. Introduction 2. what is arduino 3. microcontroller 4. Atmega 328 details 5. connection of Atmel 328 with arduino 6. arduino UNO and bread board wiring 7. let’s get started with programming 8. download and install software 9. about the environment 10. how to blink led (hello world) 11. arduino syntax 12. understanding variables 13. digital read and serial port 14. analog read 15. introduction to pwm 16. fade a led 17. if conditional statement 18. for loop 19. while loop 20. using array 21. difference between input and output 22. difference between digital and analog 23. multiple led 24. button input 25. analog input 26. analog output 27. liquid crystal display 28. types of motors 29. simple dc motor 30. servo motor 31. stepper motor 32. running dc motor 33. running servo motor 34. running stepper motor 35. introduction to sensors 36. types of sensors potentiometer 37. piezoelectric sensor 38. temperature sensor 39. PIR sensor 40. serial communication 41. serial begin details 42. serial write 43. serial read 44. other IDE for programming 45. Atmel studio 46. wiring ide 47. i2c communication and processing 48. spi interface 49. wireless communication using RF remote 50. RFID card reading 51. watchdog timer 52. automatic gate opener : a real time project 53. using multiple sensors 54. multiple sensor programming 55. using them simultaneously 56. running relay with rf remote 57. running them with RFID card 58. conclusion

what you will get • each course video • course complete PDF version to download • complete Codes to download and github link • full explanations at any time by answering questionsWho this course is for:

  • a wide range of peoples from absolute beginners to hobbyists to expert level intellects

Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, office productivity


Getting to know about the critical aspects of Printed circuit board manufacturing


“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison

Complete process of printed circuit board designing and manufacturing additional project for better understanding of the course and getting a brief knowledge about the subject with developing a embedded system  board prototype.the course will benefit you in terms of profession development and getting hands on new technology which will improve your knowledge in various topics of Printed Circuit Board CAD.

This will be the only course that will give you the basic information to generate the PCB in 3 Diamensional view and the standard  software experience even the concept of CAM processor to generate the GERBERS that are used to develop the board.

we will be talking about a lot of stuffs that are related for the PCB design in Schematic and in the board development view that will help to get a brief knowledge of thee subject. 

this course is developed for absolute beginners to get a clear perception about the development process to get better opportunities in future regarding this sector.

the contents of the subject are as follows :-

WHAT IS Printed Circuit Board


The process Of Making The PCB Part1

The process Of Making The PCB Part 2


Making The First Schematic

Simulation Of The Schematic

Getting Hands On BOARD Designing With PCB layout

Completing CAM Process And Check

3D Simulation Of The PCB

Realtime Project And The Schematic

Board Development And 3D Simulation

Manufacturing Details

CONCLUSION Who this course is for:

  • all the students and professionals who want to develop a skill and get hands on something new .
  • good for switching from hobbyists to professionals
  • can help beginners to get a clear direction in the sector
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, office productivity, udemy free course

Webpack 4: Beyond the Basics

Quick, code-driven, follow-along Javascript tutorials of Webpack, Babel, React, Angular, Vue, Redux, SSR, Typescript

Webpack 4: Beyond the Basics

Welcome to the web hacker’s cookbook for building modern javascript applications using the Webpack module loader and asset bundler.

I aim to make this Beyond the Basics course accessible to all skill levels.  It’s geared towards people who’ve seen the basics and messed around a bit, but still don’t feel they understand Webpack. Each episode is written and rehearsed beforehand. They’re edited so as to make best use of your time. There’s not a wasted moment in any of these lessons.

With project centered content building real-world Webpack apps that you and your company can use from the very first line of code.  First we look at the optimal Webpack development setup . Follow and code along as we build a Markdown blog, like Ghost, with Hot Module Reloading, Babel, and debugging in Node. We then move into how Webpack optimizes your production bundles, as we solidify the boilerplate into a portfolio website.

The final project is a doozy. We expand the portfolio site to a multi-domain node rewrite of Wordpress MU, Tumblr or SquareSpace.  So you can run multiple domain names from a single node server process.  We dig into the latest Webpack 4 features, including Server-side Rendering, dynamic imports with “magic comments” and we finish with Universal React components and CSS Chunks in Parallel.  You will definitely want to get to the end of this course.

Along the way I’ll discuss all the frameworks and libraries Webpack integrates with.  Whether you’re working on an legacy Rails or other backend project or just want to create something beautiful with EJS, Pug, Handlebars, Sass, Less or Stylus, CSS Modules, Angular or Vue JS there’s a method and I’ll give you the keys to build your site the way you want it.

Thank you for considering this course.  I put everything I had into it. I’ll add more lessons every couple of weeks. Please enjoy and reach out to me with any questions.  I’ve love to help and learn what’s still confusing.  

– Law
Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants visual, code-driven guidance through more than the usual webpack setup.
  • Anyone who wants to see working examples of real-world webpack weirdness and edge-cases not covered in other courses.
  • Anyone who wants to know way more than their co-worker about modern javascript development.

Posted in  #business, Development, FoodBusiness, Marketing, udemy free course

Master LinkedIn- Learn How to Build Your Brand

The Proven LinkedIn Branding Strategies and Insights Guaranteed to Land Your Next Job, Client, or Customer.

Do you have something to say and do you want people on LinkedIn to listen to you?

Well, it’s not easy to stand out in such a noisy environment. In fact, it’s getting more difficult. With the surge of users fleeing from Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter, it is becoming even more challenging to get your content recognized and to build your audience!

That is why you need to understand how to put together and execute on a proven strategy that will allow you to differentiate yourself so that you can stand out in the marketplace.

For most people, whether they’re sales people, recruiters, freelancers, consultants, or entrepreneurs, they will spend hours of their personal time writing and posting poorly written LinkedIn content that generates ZERO Engagement…and eventually they give up thinking that LinkedIn doesn’t work.

I will teach you the keys to developing your personal brand and creating content that resonates with your audience.

I love to use LinkedIn so I have put this course together to highlight every bit of advice that I have learned. I back every word because it has been proven through my own experience.

If done right, you can get yourself into the running for positions that were previously out of your reach. Plus, you can present yourself more professionally, with higher confidence, and with a stronger sense of purpose. You will be able to identify the right opportunities so that you don’t waste your valuable time looking for what’s next and instead the next opportunity finds you.

And it can all happen within the space of a few weeks.

If you learn and use the strategies taught in this course, it could mean increased paynew opportunities, and maximum control over your career, which could easily translate into tens of thousands of dollars of value.

With high-quality videos and other well-crafted materials, this course is optimized for both enjoyment and retention, allowing you to get the most out of this valuable career information.

This course will not teach basic LinkedIn navigation. That’s a job for Google.

Who am I?

My name is Ben Wann and I rank in the top 1% of  LinkedIn users and I have been on the site for 7 years. I have gained a ton of advanced insights and knowledge that I want to share. I use the site on a daily basis to build and hone my own personal brand and now the brand of my company, The Numbers Guys.

Personally, I can’t stand to see so many people selling terrible advice around tips, tricks, gimmicks, and shenanigans to game your way to LinkedIn success. Those tricks never work and this course isn’t that. This course is for the people who want to know how to build a powerful brand and audience in the short and long term.Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who want to find their next job, customer, client, or tribe
  • Anyone who uses LinkedIn
  • Professionals looking to stealthily get promoted or job hunt
  • Job seekers who want to connect with decision makers and avoid the ATS
  • People considering a career change
  • Recent college graduates
  • Current undergraduate students
  • People who want to build their brand on LinkedIn and optimize it to 10x their visibility

Posted in Higher Educational Scholarship, Teaching Skills

The Complete Punctuation Course: English Writing – Grammar

English Punctuation and Grammar, English Writing and Business Writing Mastery

This Udemy course gives you, the English language learner, a complete overview of English punctuation.

This course will give you the ability to understand English better and the confidence to write (and speak) English more fluently.

This English punctuation and writing course is taught by two world-renowned communications trainers, TJ Walker and Derek Smith

Message from Derek Smith:

My name is Derek, I’m a native Brit and qualified and experienced TEFL/TESOL trainer.

I have been teaching English to adults for over 10 years and look forward to using technology to reach a wider audience.

I have a neutral accent which is clear and easy to understand.

Downloadable PDFs for each lesson will form a valuable resource collection for you.

Where there are differences between UK and US punctuation usage, these are explained in the lesson.

We also have a free Facebook group that you are welcome to join. It gives a more sheltered environment to ask any questions you may have. This is, of course, in addition to the course Q&A section.

The course is not designed to be accessed in sequence but takes more of a pick and mix approach.

I encourage you to ask questions if you feel that something has not been fully or clearly explained. You will get an answer and, if necessary, the course material will be updated. Depending on the answer, I will add a new lesson to the course.

Here is a brief summary of the course benefits for you:

  • Native speaker
  • Experienced and qualified teacher
  • Neutral and easy to understand accent
  • Lessons structured for easy access
  • Downloadable resources for each lesson
  • Free Facebook group
  • Valid for UK and US English
  • Updates as required by the learners
  • Udemy 30-day refund policy

How many of your boxes did I tick?

This is the English punctuation and writing course you need. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Message from TJ Walker

I have been teaching executives around the globe to deliver presentations in English for the last 30 years. Most people, even native English speakers, are insecure about their English grammar. You can become an accomplished speaker and communicator and know that you are using excellent English Grammar every time you speak.

Derek is one of the top English grammar instructors in the world and I am proud to be teaching this course with him. He has the English and European sensibility down perfectly. And I have been living in and working in the United States my entire life. When you put us together, it is a powerful combination designed to help you become a master at English grammar and communication.

Good luck and I hope to see you inside the course!Who this course is for:

  • English learners who wish to improve their punctuation knowledge.
  • English learners who wish to write and communicate confidently in English.