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Batting Location Charts with Vagrant and MySQL

Use R and MySQL together to create batting location charts from large data sets.

Hello beautiful people out there!!!

This course is about working with large sets of PITCHf/x data to create batting location charts. We use R to scrape and visualize the data and MySQL to store the data. The course includes lessons on how to install a virtual Ubuntu machine, how to install MySQL, how to perform basic MySQL administrative tasks, and how to connect R and MySQL.

It would be best if you have some knowledge of R and gg plot. This can be obtained through my previous three courses in baseball analytics. However, it might be possible to follow along without this.

At a relaxed pace, the course should take about two weeks to complete.Who this course is for:

  • This course is for those who want to learn how to create a hit location chart from PITCHf/x data.
  • The course is also for those who wish to know a little about working with R and MySQL together.
  • The course is NOT for complete beginners in R.

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