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Tools for Working From Home – Google Apps, Trello & Zoom

Free tools – Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Trello & Zoom to maximize productivity while working remotely #WorkFromHome

Tools for Working From Home – Google Apps, Trello & Zoom
Free tools – Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Trello & Zoom to maximize productivity while working remotely #WorkFromHome

You’re looking for a complete course on Work from Home tools toincrease your productivity while working remotely, right?

You’ve found the right “Tools for remote working” course. This courseteaches you about different free tools available to increase your productivity, manage products and effectively communicate with your team.

What is covered in this course?

Mastering remote work is all about finding the right tools to stay productive and connected. This course will have you and your team synchronized and working in harmony, wherever you happen to be.

Let me give you a brief overview of the course

  • Section 1 – Google DriveGoogle Drive is a cloud storage platform to keep all your files in one secure and centralized location. The remote workers can store and share documents, spreadsheets, and slide presentations. It can be used for reporting on weekly metrics. Additionally, Google Drive files can be synced across devices, so the individuals can view and update them from anywhere.
  • Section 2 – Google DocsGoogle Docs is a word processor included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service.
  • Section 3 – Google SlidesGoogle Slides is a presentation program included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service.
  • Section 4 – Google SheetsGoogle Sheets is a spreadsheet program included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service. It is a modern version of MS Excel.
  • Section 5 – TrelloTrello is about as simple as it gets when it comes to project management, but that simplicity belies incredible organizational and task management power. Trello is built around the notion of bulletin boards. Each board can represent a project, for example. Within each board, teams create lists, which they then populate with cards. The cards can be assigned to specific team members, labeled, stamped with a deadline, and crammed with comments or attachments. The hierarchical nature of the system makes it flexible while still preserving a baseline simplicity.
  • Section 6 – ZoomIf you have big team meetings that include lots of remote workers, Zoom is a video chat application that supports dozens of participants. Large meetings with up to 500 participants are supported as an add-on feature.

How this course will help you?

If you are a working professional who wants to learn about tools that help you work remotely with efficiency and high productivity, this course will introduce you to the most popular free online tools which will enable you to collaborate and work effectively even at your home.

Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this “Tools for Working from Home” course.

Our Promise

Teaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.

I am pretty confident that the course will give you the necessary knowledge and skills to immediately see practical benefits while working remotely.

Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I’ll see you in lesson 1


Start-Tech AcademyWho this course is for:

  • Professionals

Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, Office, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Marketing Analytics and Retail Business Management

Retail analytics using MS Excel – Covering Forecasting, Market Basket, RFM, Customer Valuation & Price Bundling

Marketing Analytics and Retail Business Management
Retail analytics using MS Excel – Covering Forecasting, Market Basket, RFM, Customer Valuation & Price Bundling

You’re looking for a complete course on understanding Retail Analytics to drive business decisions involving production schedules, inventory management, promotional mail optimization, store layouting, estimating roght bundle price, customer valuation and many other parts of the business., right?

You’ve found the right Marketing & Retail Analytics: Strategies & Models in Excel! This course teaches you everything you need to know about different forecasting models, Market Basket analysis, RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) analysis, Customer Valuation methods & Price Bundling analysis and how to implement these models in Excel using advanced excel tool.

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Implement forecasting models such as simple linear, simple multiple regression, Additive and multiplicative trend and seasonality model and many more.
  • Perform market basket analysis and calculate lift to derive a store layout that maximizes sales from complementary products.
  • Do RFM (Recency, frequency, and monetary value) analysis to help you maximize profit from promotional mail campaigns.
  • Increase revenue/profit of your firm by implementing revenue / profit maximizing bundle price point using Excel solver Add-in
  • Understand the value of your customers to make intelligent decisions on how to spend money acquiring them
  • Confidently practice, discuss and understand different retail analytics models used by organizations

How this course will help you?

Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Marketing & Retail Analytics: Strategies & Models in Excel course.

If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply forecasting models in real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base for that by teaching you the most popular forecasting models and how to implement it.

Why should you choose this course?

We believe in teaching by example. This course is no exception. Every Section’s primary focus is to teach you the concepts through how-to examples. Each section has the following components:

  • Theoretical concepts and use cases of different forecasting models
  • Step-by-step instructions on implement forecasting models in excel
  • Downloadable Excel file containing data and solutions used in each lecture
  • Class notes and assignments to revise and practice the concepts

The practical classes where we create the model for each of these strategies is something which differentiates this course from any other course available online.

What makes us qualified to teach you?

The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using Analytics and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of Marketing and data analytics in this course

We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses – with over 170,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:

This is very good, i love the fact the all explanation given can be understood by a layman – Joshua

Thank you Author for this wonderful course. You are the best and this course is worth any price. – Daisy

Our Promise

Teaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.

Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete Assignments

With each lecture, there are class notes attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning.

What is covered in this course?

Understanding how future sales will change is one of the key information needed by manager to take data driven decisions. In this course, we will explore how one can use forecasting models to

  • See patterns in time series data
  • Make forecasts based on models

Let me give you a brief overview of the course

  • Section 1 – IntroductionIn this section we will learn about the course structure
  • Section 2 – Basics of ForecastingIn this section, we will discuss about the basic of forecasting and we will also learn the easiest way to create simple linear regression model in Excel
  • Section 3 – Getting Data Ready for Regression ModelIn this section you will learn what actions you need to take a step by step to get the data and then prepare it for the analysis these steps are very important.We start with understanding the importance of business knowledge then we will see how to do data exploration. We learn how to do uni-variate analysis and bi-variate analysis then we cover topics like outlier treatment and missing value imputation.
  • Section 4 – Forecasting using Regression ModelThis section starts with simple linear regression and then covers multiple linear regression.We have covered the basic theory behind each concept without getting too mathematical about it so that you understand where the concept is coming from and how it is important. But even if you don’t understand it,  it will be okay as long as you learn how to run and interpret the result as taught in the practical lectures.We also look at how to quantify models accuracy, what is the meaning of F statistic, how categorical variables in the independent variables data set are interpreted in the results.
  • Section 5 – Handling Special events like Holiday salesIn this section we will learn how to incorporate effects of Day of Week Effect, Month Effect or any special event such Holidays, pay day etc.
  • Section 6 – Identifying Seasonality & Trend for ForecastingIn this section we will learn about trends and seasonality and how to use the Solver to develop an additive or multiplicative model to estimate trends and seasonality. We will also learn how to use moving averages to eliminate seasonality to easily see trends in sales.
  • Section 7 – Market Basket Analysis and LiftIn this section we will learn about market basket analysis and learn how to calculate lift to derive a store layout that maximizes sales from complementary products.
  • Section 8 – Recency, frequency, and monetary value analysisIn this section we will learn techniques to perform RFM (Recency, frequency, and monetary value) analysis to help you maximize profit from promotional mail campaigns.
  • Section 9 – Recency, frequency, and monetary value analysisIn this section we will learn price bundling techniques and learn how to increase revenue/profit of your firm by implementing revenue / profit maximizing price point using Excel solver Add-in
  • Section 10 – Recency, frequency, and monetary value analysisIn this section, we will discuss about the basic of concepts of Customer Lifetime value and learn how to create excel model to find lifetime customer value and perform sensitivity analysis to capture variations in lifetime value under different scenarios.
  • Section 11 – Excel crash course
    If you’re new to Excel, or you’ve played around with it but want to get more comfortable with Excel’s advanced features required for this course. Either way, this section will be great for you to revise your rusty excel skills .

Some of the examples in this course are from the book Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel [WinstonWayne L.]. We suggest this book as reading material for anyone aspiring to be a marketing analyst.

I am pretty confident that the course will give you the necessary knowledge and skills to immediately see practical benefits in your work place.

Go ahead and click the enroll button

Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, Marketing, msoffice, Office, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Start Web Development with GIS Map in JavaScript

An easy way to dispaly GIS, 3D maps to your browsers with various functions.

Start Web Development with GIS Map in JavaScript
An easy way to dispaly GIS, 3D maps to your browsers with various functions.

This is an entry-level course teaching how to add GIS map, 3D map to web applications in JavaScript. Code provided in this course are simple and effective. Purpose of this course is to give students an idea of to what extent ArcGIS JavaScript API can do for you.

GIS stands for Geographic Information System. It is composed of hardware, software, people, environment, and data. Therefore, students with different backgrounds can learn and use GIS. The purpose of this course is to convey a concept to students that adding a GIS map to web for your clients is not difficult. You can spend your minimum time to handle it.

If you are new to using GIS maps in web development, this course is the right place for you to start. The ArcGIS API for JavaScript has been developed by ESRI, which is so far the biggest vendor of GIS systems and applications in the world. Some developers may ask why do we bother to use GIS maps as we already have Google map. My answer is that the Google map is great for you to identify your locations. But its data, functionality, and flexibility are far from enough if you want to create a versatile app with various basemaps, to tell a story, to add your own map features, or to perform an analysis to your clients with a map. ArcGIS, on the other hand, is the most comprehensive and advanced GIS in the world and it is capable of performing all these tasks for you. Please be mentioned that the 3D map API is still in beta version.

Time is precious for many web developers and programmers. This course was condensed with all necessary steps for starting a web GIS app development. For those GIS users, students, iOS developers, and anyone who are interested in developing more decent mobile or web GIS apps. Please find at my website or be aware of my other course announcements about Android, JavaScript, and iOS in the future.

After completing this course and the exercises, you will be able to:

  • build a web application with GIS basemap;
  • select and switch basemaps;
  • create webMap at ArcGIS Online;
  • add feature layers to webMap;
  • build a web application with a webMap;
  • test code at Google Firebase static web server
  • find your location;
  • create a 3D map web application;
  • create a functional map with search, homeButton, locateButton, scale bar, and basemap Toggle widget;
  • add a map title;
  • set map layout and background color;
  • select and apply a theme to map;
  • add basemapGallery;
  • add a point on map;
  • tap adding a point on map;
  • display coordinates in an alert view;
  • display WGS84 coordinates in an infoWindow;
  • add bookmarks;
  • add dijit buttons;
  • switch basemap with dijit buttons;
  • add OpenStreet Map Layer;
  • add feature layers for: points, lines, polygons;
  • edit feature symbol styles for: points, lines, polygons;
  • host feature layers on ArcGIS Rest Service server;
  • display layers and legend on map;

Who this course is for:

  • GIS users
  • Students
  • Developers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Anyone who are interested to make GIS maps in web apps
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Marketing, msoffice, Office, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Ebook formatting for writers step by step

Learn easy and fast way to format your ebook manuscript using Microsoft word

Ebook formatting for writers step by step
Learn easy and fast way to format your ebook manuscript using Microsoft word

This course will show you the simple and fast DIY (Do It Yourself) method to format your word manuscript ready for ebook conversion.

This is a step by step guide you can follow to format your word manuscript.

After formatting, you can publish your word manuscript as an ebook to online book stores.

Who this course is for:

  • Writers who wants to format their own manuscript ready for ebook conversion
  • Freelancers who provide ebook formatting service
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, Office, udemy, udemy free course

App Development Projects for WatchOS with Swift in Xcode

Learn how to make watchOS apps and learn to code in Swift!

App Development Projects for WatchOS with Swift in Xcode
Learn how to make watchOS apps and learn to code in Swift!

Do you want to build your own apps for the Apple Watch? Even if you have never coded before, you can build a watchOS app!

You do not need any prior knowledge to take this course – it is perfect for beginners! We cover basic programming concepts of Swift in Xcode.

If you do have experience developing for iOS, with this course you can learn the fundamentals of developing for watchOS. You will learn the notables differences between coding for iOS and watchOS.

To learn how to build the design and functionality of a watchOS app, we will create a simple app of our own in Xcode. We will cover key topics, including:

  • Labels
  • Dates
  • Timers
  • Switches
  • Sliders
  • Pickers

Learn how to make watchOS apps and learn to code in Swift.Who this course is for:

  • Even if you have never coded before, you can learn to make a watchOS app. This course introduces basic concepts of coding in Swift and coding in general.
  • If you have experience developing for iOS or macOS, with this course you can learn the foundations of developing on watchOS.