Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, Office, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Computer Vision For iOS Developers Course

Learn how to train Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation models for mobile, and integrate them into your app.

Computer Vision For iOS Developers Course
Learn how to train Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation models for mobile, and integrate them into your app.

Welcome to Computer Vision for iOS developers Course.
In this course, you’ll learn the basics needed to understand Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation, and by the end of the course, you’ll be able to train models that you can use in your apps.

We will cover the next topics in this course:

1) What is Computer Vision
2) What is Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
3) Tools for Creating Image Datasets and labeling them
4) Image Dataset Augmentation
5) Tools and Environments for training neural networks
6) Integration of CoreML and TFLite models into iOS apps
7) 2 projects that use Computer Vision in real-world applications

This course is made using product.

Who this course is for:

  • iOS Developers who want to learn to train Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation neural networks by themselves
  • Startup Founders that want to leverage AI in their products
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Blockchain Smart Contract & Frontend Programming (EOS EOSIO)

Develop a distributed game application on the EOS blockchain platform.

Blockchain Smart Contract & Frontend Programming (EOS EOSIO)
Develop a distributed game application on the EOS blockchain platform.

Learn to build a web game that’s connected to the blockchain! Following the official Elemental Battles tutorial, this course introduces blockchain communication concepts as we construct an application with a C++ EOS smart contract and a ReactJS/Redux frontend.

This course is appropriate for people with some programming experience, but it does explain basic concepts when needed to make sure no one is left behind. Code starting points and graphic assets are provided along the way. Students will need a macOS, Linux, or Windows 10 Pro computer.

Who this course is for:

  • People with limited/moderate programming experience wanting to learn to build distributed blockchain applications (dApp)