Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Become A Full Stack Web Developer – Beginner To Advanced

In this complete course you will learn step-by-step how to become a full stack web developer from scratch today!

Become A Full Stack Web Developer – Beginner To Advanced
In this complete course you will learn step-by-step how to become a full stack web developer from scratch today!

Would you like to learn how to become a full stack web developer from Scratch? 

How about learning from industry expects how to use the fastest growing Frameworks step-by-step! 

When then our complete Full Stack Web Developer Course is for you!


Welcome To Become A Full Stack Web Developer – Beginner To Advanced ! 

⇉ This course is one of the Biggest & Most Comprehensive Full Stack Web Development Courses Ever Created! 

⇉ You get Over 150+ Lectures and 20+ hours of HD content!

⇉ Watch the promo video to see how you can get started creating web application with Laravel today! 

⇉ Join Over 350,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in our Udemy Courses!

⇉ 10,000+ Five Star Reviews on our courses prove Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results!

Click the “Buy Now” button For Instant Life-Time Access!


Are You Ready for Hands on Real Life Projects?! 

In our complete full stack web developer course you will learn a variety of frameworks such as but not limited to

HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Bootstrap, Laraval and more! 

If you know some PHP then its a good time to learn a framework by the way it is essential to learn a framework a good framework.

Why Laravel?

  • Laravel is fastest growing php framework it has more then 40k stars on Github.
  • Clean documentation and Model View Controller (MVC) support and so it is easy to understand.
  • Laravel provide you an easy way to Integration with mail services.
  • Laravel comes with Blade templating engine is very intuitive and helps to work with the typical PHP/HTML spaghetti so much better, that’s it one of the best features of the framework.
  • Key features: Modularity or Multi-app, Authentication, Application Logic, Caching,
    Method or Dependency Injection, Routing, Restful Controllers, Testing & Debuging,
    Automatic Pagination, Template Engine, Database Query Builder, Multiple file system,
  • Authentication systems  and secure authorization and 
    Implementing authentication is very simple with Laravel because almost everything is modified out-of-the-box. The framework provides an easy way to organize authorization logic and control access to all resources. Thus, a web application owner can be sure that access to secured resources won’t be granted to unauthorized users

What our Full Stack Web Developer Course Contains: 
It is import to learn the basics before starting any project in that specific language or framework.
This course contains more then 10 sections on the basics, such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and more. We also discuss the fundamental or key features of Laravel.

Task List App:
We also include multiple mini projects to get you working hands on as a full stack developer!  We aim to teach you how to start a project using Laravel, its layouts and much more! There is a project in almost every section of our course! You also have access to source files such as Model, Migrations, or Controllers managing views working with Eloquent ORM.

eCommerce website with Admin Panel

If you are going to learn any language or framework it would be complicated because of your lack of experience. 
We start by creating an eCommerce project to help you learn the basics such as fetching data, randomly choosing data
working with Shopping cart and we will use Axios, it is very easy to implement shopping carts in Laravel, and understand how the checkout works 
using internet payment services such as Stripe and finally getting orders in our Admin panel.

Admin panel It has a dashboard to see the OrdersUsersProducts, and Admin Panel allows you to manage the products, creating, updating, deleting.
It also contains a Orders module which offcourse handle all orders information which purchased the product etc.
And finally User module would give you the information about the user and order, and purchased product details. 


With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this course, you will instantly begin learning how to to get paid to blog using Steemit! 

When I learn something new about Steemit, Blogging and Cryptocurrency, I add it to the course -at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.

In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course.


What I can’t do in this Course..

I can’t guarantee your success – this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!

I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course.


This course will not remain this price forever! It’s time to take action!

Click the “take this course” button, top right, now…every hour you delay is costing you money

See you in the course!


Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, and Muhammad Javed
Who this course is for:

  • This course is for anyone looking to lean how to build a real, comprehensive projects and become a full stack web delveloper!
  • This course is for you if you would like to learn how to build their very own eCommerce web app.
  • This course is for students looking to learn Laravel and/or advance their knowledge in PHP.
  • This course is for you if you are looking to learn the skills needed to build an online business and become a full stack developer
  • Students Who Want to learn how to build E-commerce Systems or Websites should take this course.
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Fundamentals of Machine Learning [Hindi][Python]

Complete hands-on Machine Learning Course with Data Science, NLP, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Fundamentals of Machine Learning [Hindi][Python]
Complete hands-on Machine Learning Course with Data Science, NLP, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

This course is designed to understand basic Concept of Machine Learning.  Anyone can opt for this course. No prior understanding of Machine Learning is required. 

NOTE: Course is still under Development. You will see new topics will get added regularly.

Now question is why this course?

This Course will not only teach you the basics of Machine learning and Simple Linear Regression. It will also cover in depth mathematical explanation of Cost function and use of Gradient Descent for Simple Linear Regression. Understanding these is must for a solid foundation before entering into Machine Learning World. This foundation will help you to understand all other algorithms and mathematics behind it.

As a Bonus Introduction Natural Language Processing is included.

Below Topics are covered till now.

Chapter – Introduction to Machine Learning

– Machine Learning?

– Types of Machine Learning

Chapter – Data Preprocessing

– Null Values

– Correlated Feature check

– Data Molding

– Imputing

– Scaling

– Label Encoder

– On-Hot Encoder

Chapter – Supervised Learning: Regression

– Simple Linear Regression

– Minimizing Cost Function – Ordinary Least Square(OLS), Gradient Descent

– Assumptions of Linear Regression, Dummy Variable

– Multiple Linear Regression

– Regression Model Performance – R-Square

– Polynomial Linear Regression

Chapter – Supervised Learning: Classification

– Logistic Regression

– K-Nearest Neighbours

– Naive Bayes

– Saving and Loading ML Models

– Classification Model Performance – Confusion Matrix

Chapter: UnSupervised Learning: Clustering

– Partitionaing Algorithm: K-Means Algorithm, Random Initialization Trap, Elbow Method

– Hierarchical Clustering: Agglomerative, Dendogram

– Density Based Clustering: DBSCAN

– Measuring UnSupervised Clusters Performace – Silhouette Index

Chapter: UnSupervised Learning: Association Rule

– Apriori Algorthm

– Association Rule Mining

Chapter – Natural Language Processing

– Various Text Preprocessing Techniques with python Code

Chapter – Deep Learning

– Artificial Neural Networks, Hidden Layer, Activation function

– Forward and Backward Propagation

– Implementing Gate in python using perceptron

Chapter: Regularization, Lasso Regression, Ridge Regression

– Overfitting, Underfitting

– Bias, Variance

– Regularization

– L1 & L2 Loss Function

– Lasso and Ridge RegressionWho this course is for:

  • Anyone who is looking or dont know from where to start Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing can opt for this course.
  • This will provide a good foundation in understanding concept of Machine Learning.
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Non-Parametric Analysis

A Step-by-Step Guide to Non-Parametric Statistics in SPSS

Non-Parametric Analysis
A Step-by-Step Guide to Non-Parametric Statistics in SPSS
  • At least some familiarity with basic statistics: distributions, hypothesis testing, p-values, confidence intervals, etc.
  • SPSS is definitely recommended, especially if you want to follow along and analyze the sample data sets yourself. However, since we go over the principles of each test in separate lessons from the examples, it is certainly possible to gain a solid understanding of the subject material without the use of SPSS.


In your research, have you ever encountered one or more the following scenarios:

  • survey data
  • non-linear data
  • “chunked” data (1-4 cm, 2-5 cm, >5 cm…)
  • qualitative judgments measured on a ratings scale
  • data that don’t follow a normal distribution (this is a big one)
  • data that violate assumptions of ANOVA (what were those assumptions again…?)

My guess is you’ve run into at least a few of these on multiple occasions (and maybe you didn’t even know it!).

The bad news is that your skills from parametric tests (like ANOVA) are no good in practically all of the above scenarios.

Knowing even a few basicnon-parametric stats will help you tackle these situations.

Learning non-parametrics is a quick way to double the number of tools in your stats tool belt.

Here, you’ll learn some of the most common non-parametric statistics used across many different fields of research. After we review the fundamentals of a test, I show you, step-by-step, how to conduct, interpret, and report each test in SPSS.

Learning these new stats will also help you better understand the tests you already know how to run, and you’ll be ready to take on the next person that asks you why you chose to use a Kruskal-Wallis instead of a one-way ANOVA.

You’ll have lifetime access to 24+ videos totaling over 3 hours of instructional content on non-parametric statistics. As a bonus, I have an entire module showing you how to make quality box plots in SPSS that you can use in your research publications or professional presentations.

You can download all of the data sets we use in the examples and follow along or go through them on your own for practice.

If you aren’t satisfied with the course for any reason, it’s backed by the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee.Who this course is for:

  • This course is best suited to students who have at least some basic knowledge of statistics. Intermediate to advanced students, who have a good grasp of conducting parametric statistics, can augment their skills by learning how to select, conduct, interpret, and display non-parametric statistics in SPSS.
  • In each lesson, we begin with a video and supplementary material to introduce the principles of a non-parametric test. We then use separate videos to go over examples of each test, which allows students to focus their time on the material they need most. So, whether you’re new to non-parametric tests and want an end-to-end guide in tackling the subject, or you want to learn how to conduct and interpret the tests in SPSS, this course is certainly adaptable to your needs.
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy

SPSS Masterclass: Learn SPSS From Scratch to Advanced

A complete step by step course to master IBM SPSS Statistics for doing advanced Research, Statistics & Data Analysis

SPSS Masterclass: Learn SPSS From Scratch to Advanced
A complete step by step course to master IBM SPSS Statistics for doing advanced Research, Statistics & Data Analysis
  • The course is built from scratch so no prior knowledge of SPSS or Statistics is required. We cover all the required details in the course both theory and practical part.
  • The learners must have a copy of SPSS software to practise the steps taught in this course.


Data is the new frontier of 21st century. According to a Harvard Business Report (2012) data science is going to be the hottest job of 21st century and data analysts have a very bright career ahead. This course aims to equip learners with ability of independently carrying out in-depth data analysis with professional confidence and accuracy. It will specifically help those looking to derive business insights, understand consumer behaviour, develop objective plans for new ventures, brand study, or write a scholarly articles in high impact journals and develop high quality thesis/project work.

A good knowledge of quantitative data analysis is a sine qua none for progress in academic and corporate world. Keeping this in mind this course has been designed in such way that students, researchers, teachers and corporate professionals who want to equip themselves with sound skills of data analysis and wish to progress with this skill can learn it in in-depth and interesting manner using IBM SPSS Statistics.

Lesson Outcomes

On completion of this course you will develop an ability to independently analyze and treat data, plan and carry out new research work based on your research interest. The course encompasses most of the major type of research techniques employed in academic and professional research in most comprehensive, in-depth and stepwise manner.


The focus of current training program will be to help participants learn statistical skills through exploring SPSS and its different options. The focus will be to develop practical skills of analyzing data, developing an independent capacity to accurately decide what statistical tests will be appropriate with a particular kind of research objective. The program will also cover how to write the obtained output from SPSS in APA format.


A love for data analysis and statistics, research aptitude and motivation to do great research work.Who this course is for:

  • PhD students and researchers looking to master SPSS skills and publish in high impact journals
  • Professionals looking for a career in analytics in corporate sector
  • Faculty members looking to master SPSS and advance their data analysis skills
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, msoffice, Office, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020: Learn Video Editing From Scratch

An Introduction To Premiere Pro CC 2020 From Very Basics For Absolute Beginners

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020: Learn Video Editing From Scratch
An Introduction To Premiere Pro CC 2020 From Very Basics For Absolute Beginners

Start editing your video professionally with Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 !!!

If you are looking for a video editing application that will allow you to edit videos however you want them, Adobe Premiere Pro is the best answer. Premiere Pro is used by professionals across the world for every type of production from business & marketing videos, music videos to documentaries, feature films. This full course is the best way to jump right in and start editing.

Make videos the way you imagine them!

Practice editing while you learn. This course includes practice video files so you can follow along and actually learn by doing.

By the end of the course, you’ll have edited a 1-minute documentary with the supplied footage.

I’ll be teaching the course using the creative cloud version, but if you have a previous version (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 – Mac or PC), you can still learn to edit like a pro.

What makes me qualified to teach you?

My name is Rahul Singh Nirvan and I’ve been editing videos with Adobe Premiere Pro for over a decade.

My Promise to You

I’m a full time video editor and online teacher. I’ll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.

What is this Adobe Premiere Pro course all about?

In this complete guide to Adobe Premiere Pro video editing course, you’ll not only learn all of the editing tools available in Premiere Pro, but also how to edit with the mindset of a professional editor.

This course will cover everything you need to know to start video editing, including:

  • Starting a project
  • Editing your videos
  • Adding video and audio transitions
  • So much more!

Learn from someone who is currently working in the industry, who knows the most current editing techniques, and who has a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Television Production from one of the country’s top film schools.

By the end of this course, your confidence as a video editor will soar You’ll have a thorough understanding of how to use Adobe Premiere Pro for fun or as a career opportunity.

Go ahead and click the enroll button !

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn the basics of video editing with Adobe Premiere can take this course.
  • You are a video creator (or want to make videos), and are wanting to edit videos with THE BEST video editing application today.
  • You might know how to edit with Final Cut, iMovie, Sony Vegas, Premiere Elements, Windows Movie Maker, Camtasia, Screenflow, etc. But you want to transition to editing with Premiere Pro.
  • You are a complete beginner who has never opened Premiere Pro (or have never learned how to use it properly).
  • You have played around with Premiere Pro, but need some help becoming a more efficient editor.