Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Develop Self-Acceptance / Confidence – Self-Blessings 2020

Develop Self-Confidence and Self-Support for yourself!

Develop Self-Acceptance / Confidence – Self-Blessings 2020
Develop Self-Confidence and Self-Support for yourself!

Welcome to the course series – Developing Self-Acceptance, where each course teaches you an unique technique to transform the mind through developing Self-Acceptance.

In this course, we are focused on the particular negative state that is Self-Criticism

In life we can develop a habit of judging ourselves negatively. For instance, we can often criticize when we under-perform or when we fail. We can even subconsciously reject ourselves when other people judge us. Whatever the case, when we are in a state of Self-Rejection we are in a very limiting state – a state of unhappiness and this state also creates the fear of being judged by others.

Transforming Self-Rejection Into Self-Acceptance
Self-Rejection can be a deep rooted subconscious habit and it thus it can be difficult to address.
This course will teach you a technique called Self-Blessings. Through this technique, the deep rooted negative habit will surfaces, allowing you to become aware of the things that you often reject yourself about, and then through the technique you will be able to transform the subconscious habits of Self-Rejection into Self-Acceptance, which will help you to release the inner fears and negativities to create greater happiness in life.

So this course is perfect for people who are looking for ways to love themselves more, to develop more self-confidence and self-support, and to release the fears of being judged by others.

As with all my courses, the goal is to transform the mind completely. So your deep rooted habits will be challenged, your beliefs will be challenged. So this can be an uncomfortable course for some people, but realize that on the journey of Self-Transformation, when you experience discomfort, it means your mind is being challenged, all part of the process of refining and purifying the mind.

Self-Transformation doesn’t happen in a day. So before judging the course, try the technique for a few weeks and see the effects yourself! Remember…great changes don’t happen in just one day!

Live your life, loving yourself

Life is too short to be spent criticizing ourselves and worrying about how people judge us!

If you are interested in understanding and addressing the suffering states of the mind, then you can try the more advanced course – Transform your mind – Transform your life where you will learn how to use life experiences to transform the mind.


·I have 8 + other courses which you can find by clicking on my profile icon.

· Transform Your Mind, Transform your life
· The Creator’s Meditation – 22 Day meditation course
· The Creator’s Absorption – Transform Your Anger Into Happiness

Who this course is for:

  • People who often judge themselves and want to be free of self-judgement
  • People who lack confidence and self-belief, and want to be free of self-doubt
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy

React Crashcourse for Beginners with a Hands-On Project

Complete ReactJS Crashcourse for beginners with a Hands-On Project

React Crashcourse for Beginners with a Hands-On Project
Complete ReactJS Crashcourse for beginners with a Hands-On Project

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.   

This course is about the complete react concepts for a beginner.

   It contains all the major concepts in react like

  • Introduction
  • How to create a new react application
  • Project structure of react
  • Components, Class components and Functional Components
  • Props in components
  • Arrays,Maps,CSS
  • Hooks
  • Final Hands-On Project with a Rest API using the topics covered in the entire tutorial
  • So by the end of this course you know how to create a new react application,how to work with components in react

Who this course is for:

  • Students who are interested to develop web applications with the help of frameworks
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy

1Z0-1067 – OCI 2019 Cloud Operations Associate – Dump 60q

1Z0-1067 – Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate – 100% Pass

1Z0-1067 – OCI 2019 Cloud Operations Associate – Dump 60q
1Z0-1067 – Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate – 100% Pass

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 2019 Cloud Operations Associate exam (1Z0-1067) exam is designed for individuals who possess a strong foundation knowledge in managing and operating infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. This certification validates understanding of OCI services to control and operate infrastructure, such as but not limited to: monitoring, automation, cost control, data retention and security control. This certification is available to all professionals.

Who this course is for:

  • Professionals responsible for managing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services