Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Emmet in Visual Studio Code: Accelerate your HTML workflow

Take your HTML coding to the next level with Emmet in VS Code

Emmet in Visual Studio Code: Accelerate your HTML workflow
Take your HTML coding to the next level with Emmet in VS Code

In this course you will learn how to be very productive in writing your html code. For that purpose we will use Emmet. The code editor for the course is Visual Studio Code (although you can use any code editor that supports Emmet).

More details please!

If you have never heard of Emmet before, it is a special plugin that allows you to type html “on steroids”. VS Code comes bundled with it so you can use it straight out of the box. The sole purpose of the plugin is to allow you to type html in a fast and efficient way, saving a tone of time. You type a small abbreviation and in a second it expands into a big table, list, complete form or whatever html structure you can think of.

Emmet comes prepacked with a lot of features. In this course we will talk about every feature that could benefit your html workflow. We will start from the very basics. I will show you its core features. Then we will explore some useful commands that it offers. I have also provided assignments for the course so that you could practice and better memorise Emmet’s features.

If you still write html the old way this course will probably change it. Let’s get started!

What should you know to take the course?

Very basic HTML knowledge would be enough

What’s inside?

  • Expand abbreviation
  • Ids and Classes
  • Nesting elements
  • Sibling elements
  • Multiplication
  • Dummy text (lorem ipsum)
  • Climbing top in abbreviations
  • Grouping abbreviations
  • Attributes
  • Numbering elements
  • Wrap with abbreviation
  • Wrap individual lines with abbreviation
  • Update tag
  • Remove tag
  • Go to matching pair
  • Merge and evaluate
  • Assignments to test your knowledge of Emmet’s features

Who is teaching you?

My name is Sergey Shtyrlov. I’m a frontend developer. I’ve been working with HTML and CSS on a daily basis for almost 7 years and continue doing it today. If you still write HTML without Emmet, you are wasting a lot of time!

Who this course is for:

  • You want to be more productive writing HTML code
  • You do a lot of HTML work and never heard of Emmet
  • You are new to web development and already write some HTML
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Batting Location Charts with Vagrant and MySQL

Use R and MySQL together to create batting location charts from large data sets.

Batting Location Charts with Vagrant and MySQL
Use R and MySQL together to create batting location charts from large data sets.

This course is about working with large sets of PITCHf/x data to create batting location charts. We use R to scrape and visualize the data and MySQL to store the data. The course includes lessons on how to install a virtual Ubuntu machine, how to install MySQL, how to perform basic MySQL administrative tasks, and how to connect R and MySQL.

It would be best if you have some knowledge of R and ggplot. This can be obtained through my previous three courses in baseball analytics. However, it might be possible to follow along without this.

At a relaxed pace, the course should take about two weeks to complete.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for those who want to learn how to create a hit location chart from PITCHf/x data.
  • The course is also for those who wish to know a little about working with R and MySQL together.
  • The course is NOT for complete beginners in R.
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, Office, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Create your resume for IT

With or without experience you can create a resume that will catch the attention of recruiters

Create your resume for IT
With or without experience you can create a resume that will catch the attention of recruiters

IT has a very competitive market. Hundreds of job openings shows up every day, but when a good opportunity appears, dozens of candidates apply to it. The difference between being called for an interview or not, can be your resume.

Creating a resume is not a simple task, experts say a recruiter takes an average of 6 to 8 seconds to check a resume and decide whether to discard it or select it. No wonder this happens, a good job may receive hundreds of resumes.

Due to the large number of candidates, minor mistakes in the resume can make a recruiter discard it even if the candidate has a great experience.

At the end of this course, through tips and examples of how to fill out each section, you will be ready to create a good curriculum for IT.

Who this course is for:

  • Professionals with or without experience
  • Analysts, software developers, architects, managers.
  • Anyone who works or wants to move to the IT area
  • Professionals from other areas can get tips about how to improve the organization and how to optimize some sessions that are common to the resumes.
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Free Hosted Website on GitPages and simple Git Guide

Explore how you can get started with GitHub create a hosted webpage from your repo and lots more

Free Hosted Website on GitPages and simple Git Guide
Explore how you can get started with GitHub create a hosted webpage from your repo and lots more

Bonus free PDF guide packed full of resources and code snippets to help you learn – follow the lessons using the guide!  Learning made easy 🙂

Course is designed as a starter course to demo how to setup a free hosted website within gitPages

Covers basics of git and how it works

Tips and resources provided – including code editor that is used Brackets and how to start with simple git commands

Update your website locally and push it to your GitPages – made easy with easy to follow instructions and examples

Git command guide – simple git commands

Taught by an instructor with over 20 years of Web Development experience.

If you’ve been looking to get started with Git – wanted to refresh your git knowledge – learn the basics of git – or just want to see how you can get a free hosted website THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!!!!

Nothing to lose – Fast friendly support is always available to help if you need it.

Please note that the SCOPE OF THIS COURSE IS BASICS of GIT and will not cover complex commands and everything about GIT its a simple HOW TO GET STARTED COURSE – if you are looking at more detailed git this is not for you.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner web developers
  • Anyone who wants a gitPage
  • anyone who wants to learn about using Git
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Least Squares Method: Theory and Implementation

A Hands-on Approach

Least Squares Method: Theory and Implementation
A Hands-on Approach

In this tutorial firstly the mathematical foundations of a special case of Least Squares method has been reviewed. Then, using three programming languages, MATLAB, Python and JavaScript (using mathjs), the method has been implemented, from scratch

By the end of this course you will be able to know about the fundamental theory of least squares method and implementing that using Python, MATLAB and JavaScript programming languages .

Who this course is for:

  • Engineering Students
  • Statistics and Probability students
  • Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers
  • Anyone interested in numerical methods
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Fusion 360 Simulations, Complete Static Structural Training

Fusion 360 simulation lessons and examples for Designers and Engineers

Fusion 360 Simulations, Complete Static Structural Training
Fusion 360 simulation lessons and examples for Designers and Engineers

This course teaches the proper use of Fusion 360 for static structural simulations. It starts out with the beginner level basics and then dives into detailed design and analysis examples so the students properly understand how to run a finite element analysis in fusion 360. This course includes:

  1. Necessary background information to understand the inputs for a good simulation in Fusion 360
  2. Links to downloadable CAD and simulation files in Fusion 360
  3. Detailed design and analysis examples to reinforce the concepts taught
  4. Supplementary lectures that allow students to explore the deeper details of simulations when they are comfortable with the interface
  5. Links to related knowledge from the software provider of Fusion 360

Learning FEA simulations in fusion 360 will help students in numerous areas including but not limited to:

  • Improved job prospects and increased earning potential
  • Improved design and analysis skills for physical products
  • Reduced mechanical failures during prototyping and manufacturing phases
  • A deeper understanding of the mechanical behavior of parts and assemblies

This course is different because most FEA courses in the marketplace are limited to teaching how to click through the software menus, while this course teaches the “why” behind menu selections. Students will have a more thorough understanding of how to virtually simulate their mechanical designs to ensure their products will be successful.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn structural analysis, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), mechanical simulations or mechanical design and engineering methods.
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, Internet Security, IT and Software, Marketing, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Complete Bugzilla Course for Beginners

Master Bug Filing, Reporting, Searching, Editing, Searching, Cloning and more using this course

Complete Bugzilla Course for Beginners
Master Bug Filing, Reporting, Searching, Editing, Searching, Cloning and more using this course

Bugzilla is a web-based general-purpose bug tracking system and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License.

From this course, you will learn about the Bug Reporting, Searching a Bug, how to clone a Bug, editing a Bug, and more using Bugzilla tracking and testing tool.

Feel free to ask me any question.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners who wants to learn how to report or file and track Bug reports using Bugzilla tool
  • Beginners who wants to learn about Bugzilla (Bug tracking tool)
Posted in cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, Teaching Skills, udemy free course

How to Make a WordPress Website With Divi Theme | 2020 (NEW)

Learn how to make a gorgeous website step by step with no steps skipped using the #1 theme in the world, the Divi theme!

How to Make a WordPress Website With Divi Theme | 2020 (NEW)
Learn how to make a gorgeous website step by step with no steps skipped using the #1 theme in the world, the Divi theme!

In this comprehensive and complete tutorial you will:

  • Learn how to make a WordPress website using the #1 theme in the world, the Divi theme.
  • Be able to create a modern and professional-looking website you can show off to the world.
  • Learn how to master almost every feature Divi has to offer so you’ll be able to make almost any type of website on your own later on.
  • Learn how to create a beautiful blog post, monetize it and optimize it for the search engines so it ranks higher and draws in more traffic.
  • Learn how to make your website mobile responsive for both tablets and mobile phones.
  • Learn from a professional who creates websites for a living and has a degree in web technology.
  • Learn from someone who’s first website they created with Divi has already generated over $150,000 in passive income in the past few years.

Unlike other lectures, I cover everything.

I’ve set this tutorial up in an easy to understand, step-by-step format that even the most inexperienced beginner can follow along with.

While most of the other web design lectures are an hour long or less, this tutorial is over 8 hours long. This course is very detailed and will fully equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to be able to create your own modern and professional-looking websites using WordPress and the Divi theme, even if you’re a complete beginner. But, don’t worry, I’ve split the tutorial up into many lectures that are short in length so you can easily take a break between lectures.

What will I learn from this course?

  • Setting up your domain and hosting
  • How to install and configure WordPress
  • Learn the fundamentals of web design, including choosing a color palette, font combinations and more!
  • How to create modern, professional-looking and stunning websites!
  • How to create web pages with WordPress and the Divi theme
  • How to create pages quickly using Divi’s premade layouts
  • Where to get the best FREE tools and resources to help you when creating a website
  • How to master the Divi theme and even start your own web design business!
  • How to master the #1 FREE page builder – Divi theme
  • Learn how to use the “what you see is what you get” drag and drop Visual Builder
  • Master WordPress and create your own stunning websites quickly and easily

What are the requirements to take this course?

None. This course is great for complete beginners who want to learn in an easy to understand, step-by-step manner.

What will I get from this course?

  • MASTER WordPress
  • MASTER the Divi theme
  • Create your own websites from start to finish
  • Create MODERN style websites that are up-to-date with 2019 web design trends
  • Create professional-looking blog posts, monetize them and optimize them for Google, Bing and Yahoo Search so that they rank higher

Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone with a desire to learn how to create stunning websites, whether you’re a complete beginner or a WordPress expert
  • Anyone who wants to start their own website
  • Anyone who wants to MASTER WordPress
  • Anyone who wants to MASTER the Divi theme

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

None. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone. This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to make a beautiful website.
  • This course is perfect for WordPress beginners, intermediates and experts.
  • Anyone who wants to master building a modern and professional -looking website using WordPress and Divi.
Posted in FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software

SEO Training : Learn Search Engine Optimization

SEO Training : Learn Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization by learning fundamental SEO principles and techniques in this course.

Below are the Step That will Help You To get more Information of What will You Learn in the Course


1) How to Find search Topic On Google

2) Find Out Your Website is Been Seen By Google or Not

3) Keyword shitter

4) Keywords Everywhere

5) Long Url Short

6) Promote Using SMS

7) spyfu

8) Improve website speed using GT Metrix

9) Ahref Backlink Checker

10) Page Speed Free Website Optimization and Paid Tool

11) Get Email Address Using Facebook

12) How to promote business on WhatsApp

13) How to send bulk emails using Gmail

14) Google keyword on google page

15) Google cache crawler

16) How to Get Followers on Instagram using Instagram post

17) How to reduce the size of the photo

18) Image submission

19) Video Submission

If you Like and learned from this Course, Makes Sure To Learn Digital Marketing Course Where You can learn more Knowledge About This Topics

Thanks For Reading.Who this course is for:

  • Bloggers
  • Business owners
  • Online Marketers
  • Search Engine Optimization Beginners / Experts