Posted in English, English as a Second Language, ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ESL, The Hindu Vocabulary

Daily Vocabulary for All Competitive Exams

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Daily Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams
VIGILANCE (ADJECTIVE): (जागरूकता): surveillance
Synonyms: attentiveness, attention
Antonyms: inattentiveness
Example Sentence: Security duties that demand long hours of vigilance.
EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक): extortionate
Synonyms: excessive, sky-high
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence: Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.
CONCRETE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): definite
Synonyms: specific, firm
Antonyms: vague
Example Sentence: I haven’t got any concrete proof of the killing.
DISBURSE (VERB): (व्यय करना): pay out
Synonyms: lay out, spend
Antonyms: claim
Example Sentence: $67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed.
INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding
Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive
Antonyms: low-key
Example Sentence: The reporter asked an intrusive question.
REPARATION (NOUN): (मरम्मत): amends
Synonyms: restitution, redress
Antonyms: impairment
Example Sentence: The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim.
PREVALENCE (NOUN): (प्रसार): currency
Synonyms: generality, pervasiveness
Antonyms: uncommonness
Example Sentence: The prevalence of sunlight led to a restriction of the windows.
DISCREET (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): careful
Synonyms: circumspect, cautious
Antonyms: indiscreet
Example Sentence: We made some discreet inquiries.
DEFUSE (VERB): (शांत करना): reduce
Synonyms: lessen, diminish
Antonyms: heighten
Example Sentence: The scheme taught officers how to defuse potentially explosive situations.
DIFFUSE (ADJECTIVE): (बिखरा हुआ): diffused
Synonyms: scattered, dispersed
Antonyms: concentrated
Example Sentence: The diffuse community which centred on the church.

Posted in ESL, quote

Quote of the day

Nothing lasts forever. Even some of the people the Almighty sends our way are only meant to accompany us temporarily. Don’t be upset when He moves people out of your life. It’s His Plan. You need to carry on your journey. You’ll meet more along the way. He’s keeping an eye on you! Be positive and move ahead.

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