Posted in ESL, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

You’re being tested again & again & you’re at breaking point. Hold on. Remember, a test can sometimes replace a worse misfortune; it could be a form of protection from something or being deprived of something. Take your tests in your stride, knowing He wants only good for you!
Posted in ESL, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

You’re being tested again & again & you’re at breaking point. Hold on. Remember, a test can sometimes replace a worse misfortune; it could be a form of protection from something or being deprived of something. Take your tests in your stride, knowing He wants only good for you!
Posted in Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Don’t get involved in people’s drama & dysfunction. There’s a lot of that going on nowadays. As much as they try to engage you, take a step back. If they’re reasonable & open to discussion, you could try advising them. Else, stay clear or you could lose your peace altogether!

It’s better using our precious time on us rather arguing with the blockhead coz on everyone’s mind only they are right. Mental peace is a big thing so sometimes you can win a battle by just remain silent

Posted in Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Forgive and move on. It’s powerful. It’s an act of kindness. It’s the beginning of healing. Yet many refuse to do so, preferring to cling on to grudges, resentment & payback time. It’s not worth it. Life’s too short for all that drama. Just forgive & keep that peace in you.

Cleanse your heart.

Let go of grudges.

What’s the point of holding them?

Forgive and move on.

When you forgive, the Almighty will increase your honour.

You’ll feel the burden on your shoulders lighten! 《FORGIVE AND FORGET


‏”Forgive whoever wrongs you”
‏~ Prophet ﷺ.
‏وَلْيَعْفُوا وَلْيَصْفَحُوا أَلَا تُحِبُّونَ أَن يَغْفِرَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ
‏Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love to be forgiven by Allah? And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
‏(Qur’an 24:22)
Posted in Leadership, Life Lessons, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

If you don’t do it their way, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong, inferior or off the track. Let them say what they want. They’ll never stop hurling abuse at you. Don’t be distracted by their noise. Your worth is decided by the Almighty. Be dedicated to Him alone, not them. He knows.