Posted in English, English as a Second Language, ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ESL, The Hindu Vocabulary

Daily Vocabulary for All Competitive Exams

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Daily Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams
VIGILANCE (ADJECTIVE): (जागरूकता): surveillance
Synonyms: attentiveness, attention
Antonyms: inattentiveness
Example Sentence: Security duties that demand long hours of vigilance.
EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक): extortionate
Synonyms: excessive, sky-high
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence: Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.
CONCRETE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): definite
Synonyms: specific, firm
Antonyms: vague
Example Sentence: I haven’t got any concrete proof of the killing.
DISBURSE (VERB): (व्यय करना): pay out
Synonyms: lay out, spend
Antonyms: claim
Example Sentence: $67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed.
INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding
Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive
Antonyms: low-key
Example Sentence: The reporter asked an intrusive question.
REPARATION (NOUN): (मरम्मत): amends
Synonyms: restitution, redress
Antonyms: impairment
Example Sentence: The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim.
PREVALENCE (NOUN): (प्रसार): currency
Synonyms: generality, pervasiveness
Antonyms: uncommonness
Example Sentence: The prevalence of sunlight led to a restriction of the windows.
DISCREET (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): careful
Synonyms: circumspect, cautious
Antonyms: indiscreet
Example Sentence: We made some discreet inquiries.
DEFUSE (VERB): (शांत करना): reduce
Synonyms: lessen, diminish
Antonyms: heighten
Example Sentence: The scheme taught officers how to defuse potentially explosive situations.
DIFFUSE (ADJECTIVE): (बिखरा हुआ): diffused
Synonyms: scattered, dispersed
Antonyms: concentrated
Example Sentence: The diffuse community which centred on the church.

Posted in English, English as a Second Language, ENGLISH LANGUAGE, The Hindu Vocabulary

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams

Photo by Ian Panelo on
  1. UNFORTUNATE (ADJECTIVE): (खेदजनक): unlucky
    Synonyms: hapless, down on one’s luck
    Antonyms: fortunate
    Example Sentence:
    There had been an unfortunate accident that took place recently.
  2. SENTIMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (भावुक): nostalgic
    Synonyms: tender, emotional
    Antonyms: dispassionate
    Example Sentence:
    She felt a sentimental attachment to the place creep over her.
  3. CATASTROPHE (NOUN): (आपदा): disaster
    Synonyms: calamity, cataclysm
    Antonyms: salvation
    Example Sentence:
    The world is facing an environmental catastrophe.
  4. RELIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विश्वसनीय): dependable
    Synonyms: good, well founded
    Antonyms: unreliable
    Example Sentence:
    There is no reliable source of information these days.
  5. INITIALLY (ADVERB): (शुरू में): at first
    Synonyms: to begin with, to start with
    Antonyms: finally
    Example Sentence:
    Initially, he thought the new concept was nonsense.
  6. EFFICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रभावोत्पादक): effective
    Synonyms: successful, effectual
    Antonyms: inefficacious
    Example Sentence:
    The treatment was quite efficacious.
  7. DEMOLISH (VERB): (धूल में मिलाना): destroy
    Synonyms: ruin, wreck
    Antonyms: confirm
    Example Sentence:
    I looked forward keenly to demolishing my opponent.
  8. CONTINUANCE (NOUN): (निरंतरता): continuation
    Synonyms: carrying on, prolongation
    Antonyms: discontinuance
    Example Sentence:
    His interests encouraged him to favour the continuance of war.
  9. IMPAIR (VERB): (बिगाड़ना): damage
    Synonyms: harm, diminish
    Antonyms: improve
    Example Sentence:
    A noisy job could impair my hearing.
  10. VARIATION (NOUN): (विविधता): difference
    Synonyms: dissimilarity, disparity
    Antonyms: similarity
    Example Sentence:
    There are regional variations in house prices.