Posted in ESL, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Silence does not always mean “yes”. Sometimes it means, “I’m tired of explaining to people that they don’t even want to understand. Be silent in two situations: 1. When you feel that you cannot understand your feelings from your words, and 2. When you can understand yourself without words.

Posted in ESL, Leadership, Life Lessons, Marketing, muftimenk, Prayer, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Most successful people you know aren’t successful by nature.They broke their nature,they battle their inner demons,So Don’t excuse yourself from achieving your version of success.Stop looking at the achievement of others& start looking at your own nature,You can change your life.

Posted in, Leadership, Life Lessons, muftimenk, Prayer, quote, quotes, Story

Quote of the day

Get up every morning with a fresh, new attitude. Remember, no one is promised a new day. So don’t waste the opportunities that the Almighty has laid out for the day. Believe that He wants only good for you. Having a grateful attitude will determine how you live your life.

Get up every morning with a fresh new attitude.This day a is gift from Allah.Need to make the decision, don't let your problems be your identity,you're so much greater than any difficulty you could ever face. Every morning we're born again, what we do today is all that matters.
Posted in Leadership, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

You will be offended by some people at some point in your life. Don’t take it to heart. Don’t keep it inside you. Holding on to hurt and pain will only harm you in the long run. Choose to forgive. Release the baggage of your past. Let it go and let the Almighty heal you!

Forgiving is NOT forgetting. It is remembering without anger.

It frees up our heart and mind.

When you forgive others for the sake of Allah the rewards that come back to you will be far greater than anything you’ve lost due to someone having wronged you or hurt you!

Photo by Pixabay on
Posted in Leadership, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Friday Motivational

Don’t complicate life. Don’t overthink. Don’t create problems that aren’t there in the first place. Live simply. There’s no need for excesses. The Almighty wants ease for us. He won’t burden us with that which we have no capacity to bear. So take life in your stride. Just live!

Life is about ups and downs.

Sometimes we need those bad days because it helps us to appreciate the good ones.

Allah promised us in Surah As-Sharh # 6.👇

“Most certainly, there’s ease with hardship.”

Posted in ESL, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

You’re allowed to have questions & you’ll not have the answers to everything that’s going on around you. That’s the Almighty’s job. Seek Him always. In good & bad times. He’s always there for you. He’s your source of light. You don’t have to shoulder the shadows on your own.

Posted in ESL, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

You’re being tested again & again & you’re at breaking point. Hold on. Remember, a test can sometimes replace a worse misfortune; it could be a form of protection from something or being deprived of something. Take your tests in your stride, knowing He wants only good for you!