Posted in Leadership, Life Lessons, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

They’ll pick on you. They’ll judge u. They’ll think the worst of u. They’ll hate u. They’ll spread rumour about u. They’ll abuse you They’ll wish you didn’t exist.
Yet through all of that, the Almighty will make u to rise & shine above them all
So keep smiling!

Posted in ESL, quote

Quote of the day

Nothing lasts forever. Even some of the people the Almighty sends our way are only meant to accompany us temporarily. Don’t be upset when He moves people out of your life. It’s His Plan. You need to carry on your journey. You’ll meet more along the way. He’s keeping an eye on you! Be positive and move ahead.

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Posted in ESL

Quote of the day

Don’t waste time seeking people’s approval. They’re a hard lot to please & whatever you do will never be good enough. There will always be that one person who’s waiting to nitpick. Instead, spend time building your relationship with the Almighty. You’ll never be disappointed!

Posted in ESL

🔰 The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive exams 🔰

1. STIMULUS(NOUN):(प्रोत्साहन): spur
Synonyms: stimulant, encouragement
Antonyms: discouragement
Example Sentence:The dog responded to the stimulus of the ringing bell.

2.VANDALIZE(VERB):(उपद्रव मचाना): deface
Synonyms: demolish, wreck
Antonyms: build
Example Sentence:Stations have been vandalized beyond recognition.

3. ISOLATION(NOUN):(अलगाव): separation
Synonyms: segregation,quarantine
Antonyms: contact
Example Sentence: This was a vacation, not an isolation camp.

4. RELIANCE(NOUN):(भरोसा): dependence
Synonyms: dependency, credit
Antonyms: disbelief
Example Sentence:The universal reliance on animal life stimulated the study of the animal kingdom.

5. POTENTIAL(ADJECTIVE):(क्षमता): possible
Synonyms: likely, prospective
Antonyms: unlikely
Example Sentence:We are a part of a campaign to woo potential customers.

6. DISMISS (VERB): (ववदा करना): let go
Synonyms: release, free
Antonyms: form
Example Sentence:I dismissed the taxi at the end of the road.

7. COMMEND(VERB):(सराहना करना): praise
Synonyms: compliment, congratulate
Antonyms: criticise
Example Sentence:He was commended by the judge for his courageous actions.

8. COMMEND(VERB):(सराहना करना): praise
Synonyms: compliment, congratulate
Antonyms: criticise
Example Sentence:He was commended by the judge for his courageous actions.

9.FATALITY (NOUN): (मौत): death
Synonyms: casualty, mortality
Antonyms: birth
Example Sentence:A sixth fatality involved a newly fledged juvenile.

10. BOUNTY(NOUN):(उदारता): generosity
Synonyms: magnanimity, munificence
Antonyms: meanness
Example Sentence:For millennia the people along the Nile have depended entirely on its bounty.

Posted in ESL, quote

Quote of the day

Hold on to your faith. Stay firm & resolute. Don’t let circumstances sway you like a candle in the wind. Never doubt that the Almighty’s aware of everything that’s going on. Don’t let others create doubts in your mind. He has brought you this far. Do you think He’ll abandon you?