Posted in ESL, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Silence does not always mean “yes”. Sometimes it means, “I’m tired of explaining to people that they don’t even want to understand. Be silent in two situations: 1. When you feel that you cannot understand your feelings from your words, and 2. When you can understand yourself without words.

Posted in ESL, Leadership, Life Lessons, Marketing, muftimenk, Prayer, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Most successful people you know aren’t successful by nature.They broke their nature,they battle their inner demons,So Don’t excuse yourself from achieving your version of success.Stop looking at the achievement of others& start looking at your own nature,You can change your life.

Posted in, Leadership, Life Lessons, muftimenk, Prayer, quote, quotes, Story

Quote of the day

Get up every morning with a fresh, new attitude. Remember, no one is promised a new day. So don’t waste the opportunities that the Almighty has laid out for the day. Believe that He wants only good for you. Having a grateful attitude will determine how you live your life.

Get up every morning with a fresh new attitude.This day a is gift from Allah.Need to make the decision, don't let your problems be your identity,you're so much greater than any difficulty you could ever face. Every morning we're born again, what we do today is all that matters.
Posted in Leadership, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Friday Motivational

Don’t complicate life. Don’t overthink. Don’t create problems that aren’t there in the first place. Live simply. There’s no need for excesses. The Almighty wants ease for us. He won’t burden us with that which we have no capacity to bear. So take life in your stride. Just live!

Life is about ups and downs.

Sometimes we need those bad days because it helps us to appreciate the good ones.

Allah promised us in Surah As-Sharh # 6.👇

“Most certainly, there’s ease with hardship.”

Posted in Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Forgive and move on. It’s powerful. It’s an act of kindness. It’s the beginning of healing. Yet many refuse to do so, preferring to cling on to grudges, resentment & payback time. It’s not worth it. Life’s too short for all that drama. Just forgive & keep that peace in you.

Cleanse your heart.

Let go of grudges.

What’s the point of holding them?

Forgive and move on.

When you forgive, the Almighty will increase your honour.

You’ll feel the burden on your shoulders lighten! 《FORGIVE AND FORGET


‏”Forgive whoever wrongs you”
‏~ Prophet ﷺ.
‏وَلْيَعْفُوا وَلْيَصْفَحُوا أَلَا تُحِبُّونَ أَن يَغْفِرَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ
‏Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love to be forgiven by Allah? And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
‏(Qur’an 24:22)
Posted in Life Lessons

Quote of the day

Don’t get discouraged when things don’t happen according to your timing. Pray that the Almighty grants you ultimate patience while you wait. Constantly remind yourself that the longer it takes, the more He has in store for you. You will be surprised & overjoyed with the outcome!

Photo by Mabel Amber on
Posted in English, English as a Second Language, ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ESL

Daily vocabulary for competitive exams.

1.Rift (N)-a break in friendly relations between people or groups of people. मनमुटाव

2.Consolidated (V)-to combine or unite. संगठित

3.Reluctance (N)-unwillingness or disinclination to do something. अनिच्छा

4.Overarching (Adj)-affecting or including everything.

5.Realignment (N)-the action of changing or restoring something to a different or former position or state. फिर से संगठित करना

6.Ousted (V)-drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place. बेदख़ल

7.Encroachments (N)-entry to another’s property without right or permission. अतिक्रमण

8.Assertion (N)-the act of affirming or asserting or stating something. अभिकथन

9.Moot (Adj)-subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. विवादास्पद

10.Deemed (V)-regard or consider in a specified way.

11.Inevitable (N)-a situation that is unavoidable. अनिवार्य

12.Inconvenient (Adj)-causing trouble, difficulties, or discomfort. असुविधाजनक

13.Curbs (N)-a check or restraint on something. नियंत्रण, प्रतिबंध

14.Adjudication (N)-a formal judgement on a disputed matter. न्याय निर्णय

15.Bandh (N)-a general strike.

16.Certitude (N)-absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case. निश्चितता

Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, FoodMarketing, IT and Software, Marketing, msoffice, office productivity, Teaching Skills, udemy, udemy free course

Non-Parametric Analysis

A Step-by-Step Guide to Non-Parametric Statistics in SPSS

Non-Parametric Analysis
A Step-by-Step Guide to Non-Parametric Statistics in SPSS
  • At least some familiarity with basic statistics: distributions, hypothesis testing, p-values, confidence intervals, etc.
  • SPSS is definitely recommended, especially if you want to follow along and analyze the sample data sets yourself. However, since we go over the principles of each test in separate lessons from the examples, it is certainly possible to gain a solid understanding of the subject material without the use of SPSS.


In your research, have you ever encountered one or more the following scenarios:

  • survey data
  • non-linear data
  • “chunked” data (1-4 cm, 2-5 cm, >5 cm…)
  • qualitative judgments measured on a ratings scale
  • data that don’t follow a normal distribution (this is a big one)
  • data that violate assumptions of ANOVA (what were those assumptions again…?)

My guess is you’ve run into at least a few of these on multiple occasions (and maybe you didn’t even know it!).

The bad news is that your skills from parametric tests (like ANOVA) are no good in practically all of the above scenarios.

Knowing even a few basicnon-parametric stats will help you tackle these situations.

Learning non-parametrics is a quick way to double the number of tools in your stats tool belt.

Here, you’ll learn some of the most common non-parametric statistics used across many different fields of research. After we review the fundamentals of a test, I show you, step-by-step, how to conduct, interpret, and report each test in SPSS.

Learning these new stats will also help you better understand the tests you already know how to run, and you’ll be ready to take on the next person that asks you why you chose to use a Kruskal-Wallis instead of a one-way ANOVA.

You’ll have lifetime access to 24+ videos totaling over 3 hours of instructional content on non-parametric statistics. As a bonus, I have an entire module showing you how to make quality box plots in SPSS that you can use in your research publications or professional presentations.

You can download all of the data sets we use in the examples and follow along or go through them on your own for practice.

If you aren’t satisfied with the course for any reason, it’s backed by the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee.Who this course is for:

  • This course is best suited to students who have at least some basic knowledge of statistics. Intermediate to advanced students, who have a good grasp of conducting parametric statistics, can augment their skills by learning how to select, conduct, interpret, and display non-parametric statistics in SPSS.
  • In each lesson, we begin with a video and supplementary material to introduce the principles of a non-parametric test. We then use separate videos to go over examples of each test, which allows students to focus their time on the material they need most. So, whether you’re new to non-parametric tests and want an end-to-end guide in tackling the subject, or you want to learn how to conduct and interpret the tests in SPSS, this course is certainly adaptable to your needs.