Posted in Leadership, Life Lessons, muftimenk, quote, quotes

Quote of the day

Take life in your stride. Focus on your tasks and don’t get distracted. Leave the rest to the Almighty. Cut out the noise outside and don’t worry about trivial and petty issues. Remember, fitting in, people’s opinions of you etc don’t matter eventually. Life’s too short!

Posted in Life Lessons, quotes

Quote of the day

No matter how much you regret it or worry about what happened, the past is over. You can’t change a thing. But you can come to terms with the fact that everything happens for a reason. Live in the present where the Almighty has given you the options to restore calm to your heart!

Posted in  #business, Development, IT and Software, office productivity, udemy free course

Java – Top 10 most viewed questions on Stack Overflow

This questions are covering essential parts of Java and because of that we all should know and understand them!

In this course we are going to examine the top 10 most viewed Java question on Stack Overflow since creation of this platform (*state October 2019)

Stack Overflow itself has according to wikipedia over 10 million registered users and has exceeded over 16 million questions.

This is why I believe that every software developer should get in touch with them. They are covering the essential parts of the programming language and because of that we all should know about them.

I will explain everything what you will need to first understand the questions and then be able to answer them on your own.

What topics can you expect within this course?

* I will explain to you what references on objects are and how Java saves them internally. We take a closer look to the so called null reference that often results in NullPointerExceptions.

* We get to know several data structures, such as Maps, HashMaps, Sets and many more.

* How do I compare two strings, or more general two objects with each other? And what has Java’s String pool to do with it?

* We become acquainted with syntactical abbreviations like the for-each-loop or try-with-resource statement.

* We answer the eternal question if Java is a call by reference or call by value language or maybe both?

* How can I create random numbers in general or within specific range? And what do I have to take account of, if I am developing multi-threaded applications?

* We learn what FileOutputStreams and PrintWriters are for and how to use them to create files and fill them with datas.

* And many moreWho this course is for:

  • This course could be interesting for all Java developers out there.
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, Marketing, udemy, udemy free course

The Migration – Building a Membership Website

The Migration – Building a Membership Website

When we decided to move my membership site from one platform to another we realized that this might be a valuable opportunity to document our approach, so that our lessons might make this process easier (and less ambiguous) for someone else.

This short series summarizes our experience – highlights the things that went well, and examines the things that surprised us along the way.

If you’re setting out to build or launch a course, or any type of a membership model business, then this detailed series should help contextualize that process, and ask questions to prepare you for a smoother launch.Who this course is for:

  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs with plans to build a membership site on WordPress.
  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs with plans to launch a membership model business.
  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs with plans to move a membership site from one platform to another.
Posted in Development, Internet Security, udemy, udemy free course

Java – Top 10 most viewed questions on Stack Overflow

Java – Top 10 most viewed questions on Stack Overflow

In this course we are going to examine the top 10 most viewed Java question on Stack Overflow since creation of this platform (*state October 2019)

Stack Overflow itself has according to wikipedia over 10 million registered users and has exceeded over 16 million questions.

This is why I believe that every software developer should get in touch with them. They are covering the essential parts of the programming language and because of that we all should know about them.

I will explain everything what you will need to first understand the questions and then be able to answer them on your own.

What topics can you expect within this course?

* I will explain to you what references on objects are and how Java saves them internally. We take a closer look to the so called null reference that often results in NullPointerExceptions.

* We get to know several data structures, such as Maps, HashMaps, Sets and many more.

* How do I compare two strings, or more general two objects with each other? And what has Java’s String pool to do with it?

* We become acquainted with syntactical abbreviations like the for-each-loop or try-with-resource statement.

* We answer the eternal question if Java is a call by reference or call by value language or maybe both?

* How can I create random numbers in general or within specific range? And what do I have to take account of, if I am developing multi-threaded applications?

* We learn what FileOutputStreams and PrintWriters are for and how to use them to create files and fill them with datas.

* And many moreWho this course is for:

  • This course could be interesting for all Java developers out there.