Posted in cyber security, Internet Security, Marketing, udemy, udemy free course

Robust Qt & C++ Gui Programming 2D Graphics App Tutorial

Robust Qt & C++ Gui Programming 2D Graphics App Tutorial

This course will help you upgrade your C++ software development skills today!

You will learn how to build an application using Qt and C++, from the ground up.

**This course is now FREE as a token of gratitude to my Udemy followers; Enjoy!**

As I’ve put my heart and soul into producing this course, I understand it’s no longer up to date with the Qt platform.

But it does still have valuable insights into robust app design, so I believe you’ll find quite a bunch of useful stuff in here

Here’s what others have to say about this course:

“Great course. Instructions are clear and accurate. Dan logically teaches how to build an app from the simplest parts to the harder ones. Tasks for you to complete are getting a little bit bigger every time and you don’t feel lost between instructions and the tasks as they are connected to each other (unlike in many other courses). Even though for me this course wasn’t hard it was useful and I enjoyed it very much. After finishing the course I found out that there are new videos and new tasks! That’s awesome! I like that course is being improved! ” – Kateryna Brylliantova

“One of the best courses I ever had. Very well structured, very good program structure and complexity of the application. The explanation should be an example for many ohter teachers. A big and real triple-A. Thank You, Dan.” – Matthias Kunka

“Well thought out and paced, I have learned quite a few interesting points on robust code.”  – Asad Raja

“I felt this was a very good course for intermediary C++ programmers. It has some easy to follow for the novice sections, but also plenty for the seasoned programmer.” – Gino Manifred

C++ is a very powerful and versatile programming language.

Qt is multi-platform framework, the perfect choice for open source GUI development with C++.

Before investing in this course, please watch the FREE lectures (30 minutes) to: 

  • see the final app in action (check out the Final App DEMO lesson)
  • decide if this course is really the right one for you

With this course, you will design and create your own C++ program for the Windows platform.

You will add new features to the app, step by step.

You will learn how to write good source code, at professional-level.

You can learn programming in C++ from anyone you wish to, there are many teachers and a lot of free know-how out there.

But if you want to learn to code like a professional, here’s my advice to you:

  • Choose to learn from someone who has already done professional level coding
  • Choose a teacher who has a proven track record working experience with C++ and Qt
  • Choose a mentor who has done this for years, and knows what it takes to create industry-level software

Here’s how the course is structured. Each lecture prepares the groundwork for the next one. You will:

  • write code in C++ (standard ’03)
  • use the Qt toolkit’s UI elements to create the GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • set up the main application window
  • drag and drop the required user interface elements (buttons, widgets, labels, spinners…) on the main window
  • connect UI elements to UI events (mouse clicks, value changed)
  • write custom event handling code that updates the painted graphic

You need to have a good understanding of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) fundamentals, as you will be adding and working with:

  • class member variables
  • class member functions
  • setters / getters
  • private / public / protected access modifiers
  • encapsulation to protect the data
  • constructors and destructors
  • overriding virtual base class functions for Qt objects
  • pointers to objects

You will organize the C++ program logic into header (.h) and implementation (.cpp) source files.

You will design a simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) with QtCreator (part of the Qt toolkit) and use the signal and slots mechanism to make the buttons (and other UI elements) respond to mouse clicks or value changed events.  

You will setup a custom rendering area widget that integrates flawlessly with the Qt5 framework, by inheriting from the QWidget base class and overriding abstract class methods.  

You wil learn how to fix compiler errors that can occur during development.

You will also learn to fix linker errors caused by missing function implementations.  

You will use a bottom-up approach to develop robust software.  

Notice the key word here – robust.  

That means professional-level C++ code.  

You will learn to design reusable programs with programs will be designed with reusability in mind. And will be written with future upgrade capabilities in mind.  

You will also use Math and Geometry in an unexpected way, to create unusual 2D graphics shapes.  

You will also get some hands-on experience by taking the course assignments.

The assignments are designed to get you comfortable with the code and teach you to extend the application on your own, after you have completed the course.

Should I go on or do you want to start learning now?  

I’ve invested around 10 years into learning software development and have worked 7 years in the IT industry.

Ok, here are a few more things you will get from it:

  • How to create an online repository (with BitBucket)
  • How to use source versioning (with GIT) to save intermediary code changes and revert back to them anytime if you make a mistake  
  • Tips and tricks for good coding practices  

So come on, let’s start creating some 2D graphics with Qt5 And C++ Gui Programming!Who this course is for:

  • You have a solid understanding of C++ syntax
  • You want to learn basic C++ app development with Qt
  • Preferably you are an intermediate developer or programming enthusiast
  • You want to learn how to design and create software from scratch
  • You love software development (especially with C++)
  • You want hands-on coding experience
  • You are a 2D graphics amateur or passionate
Posted in Development, Internet Security, udemy, udemy free course

Java – Top 10 most viewed questions on Stack Overflow

Java – Top 10 most viewed questions on Stack Overflow

In this course we are going to examine the top 10 most viewed Java question on Stack Overflow since creation of this platform (*state October 2019)

Stack Overflow itself has according to wikipedia over 10 million registered users and has exceeded over 16 million questions.

This is why I believe that every software developer should get in touch with them. They are covering the essential parts of the programming language and because of that we all should know about them.

I will explain everything what you will need to first understand the questions and then be able to answer them on your own.

What topics can you expect within this course?

* I will explain to you what references on objects are and how Java saves them internally. We take a closer look to the so called null reference that often results in NullPointerExceptions.

* We get to know several data structures, such as Maps, HashMaps, Sets and many more.

* How do I compare two strings, or more general two objects with each other? And what has Java’s String pool to do with it?

* We become acquainted with syntactical abbreviations like the for-each-loop or try-with-resource statement.

* We answer the eternal question if Java is a call by reference or call by value language or maybe both?

* How can I create random numbers in general or within specific range? And what do I have to take account of, if I am developing multi-threaded applications?

* We learn what FileOutputStreams and PrintWriters are for and how to use them to create files and fill them with datas.

* And many moreWho this course is for:

  • This course could be interesting for all Java developers out there.
Posted in FoodBusiness, msoffice

The Complete Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

Microsoft Excel’s Pivot table and Pivot charts are  The Powerful Tools to Analysis And Manipulating the data . it helps to Analysis the data in different perspective to take importance and Essential decision making in the organization. The pivot tables and pivot chats help to calculate, summarize the data very quickly. Pivot Tables Allow to see comparisons, patterns, and trends by using our data.

Who this course is for:

  • Sales manager
  • Students
  • Individual
  • Accountants
  • Auditor
  • Financial analyst
  • Information clerk

Posted in Development

Responsive Design with NEW Materialize

Materialize is the NEW EVOLUTION of Responsive Design MOBILE FIRST THINKING


A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design. Incredibly easy to use, BETTER than Twitter Bootstrap. Materialize has thought of everything. The design and development approach is made extremely user friendly. Take advantage of what Google has to offer. Download this open source framework for yourself and see how easy it is to use.

In this course we will teach you

  • Forms will blow your mind – what you always wanted to do
  • More navigation options that bootstrap
  • media options and components have never been easier and more mobile friendly
  • Modals are even easier to apply with more options
  • easy to add classes that bring your site to life

Benefits of using Materialize

  • Speeds up development
  • User Experience Focused
  • Easy to work with

Create RESPONSIVE WEBSITES in minutes.

Don’t waste time when all the heavy lifting is done for you.

Utilizing elements and principles of Material Design.

Additionally, a single underlying responsive system across all platforms allow for a more unified user experience.

After completion of this course you will have the skills needed to make FULLY RESPONSIVE WEBSITES.

This course will teach you to create AWESOME Mobile first FULLY responsive websites in minutes using the Materialize open source framework from Google.

Material Design by Google is the latest and most powerful CSS JS framework. Better than the super popular Twitter Bootstrap. Much like Bootstrap it is grid based but Materialize has a lot of functionality that Bootstrap is lacking. Yes, once you work with Materialize you won’t go back to Bootstrap. Its that good!!!!

Designed totally with mobile in mind, it has built in swipe functionality, modals, responsive incredible form functionality.

Text is responsive, truncate text, and much more.

upon completion of this course you will be able to create a responsive website, using this framework is easy. STOP wasting time with styling, use a well thought out framework that will seem like magic.

Its not magic, its Materialize that brings websites to life like nothing before.

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