Posted in Development, Internet Security, udemy, udemy free course

Java – Top 10 most viewed questions on Stack Overflow

Java – Top 10 most viewed questions on Stack Overflow

In this course we are going to examine the top 10 most viewed Java question on Stack Overflow since creation of this platform (*state October 2019)

Stack Overflow itself has according to wikipedia over 10 million registered users and has exceeded over 16 million questions.

This is why I believe that every software developer should get in touch with them. They are covering the essential parts of the programming language and because of that we all should know about them.

I will explain everything what you will need to first understand the questions and then be able to answer them on your own.

What topics can you expect within this course?

* I will explain to you what references on objects are and how Java saves them internally. We take a closer look to the so called null reference that often results in NullPointerExceptions.

* We get to know several data structures, such as Maps, HashMaps, Sets and many more.

* How do I compare two strings, or more general two objects with each other? And what has Java’s String pool to do with it?

* We become acquainted with syntactical abbreviations like the for-each-loop or try-with-resource statement.

* We answer the eternal question if Java is a call by reference or call by value language or maybe both?

* How can I create random numbers in general or within specific range? And what do I have to take account of, if I am developing multi-threaded applications?

* We learn what FileOutputStreams and PrintWriters are for and how to use them to create files and fill them with datas.

* And many moreWho this course is for:

  • This course could be interesting for all Java developers out there.
Posted in Marketing

Email marketing and list building 101 With Clickfunnels

Email marketing and list building 101 With Clickfunnels

Want to generate more leads to your business? affiliate marketing business or MLM business?

Email marketing and list building are by far the most powerful yet underestimated marketing strategy

what you are going to learn in this course

  • Three key elements you need to succeed with solo ads
  • 4 powerful tools you need to build your list
  • how to get high quality solo ads from 99soloads
  • how to set up your opt-in page fast
  • how to set up your autoresponder
  • how to optimize your funnel
  • my secret website to get high-quality solo ad traffic
  • and much more

join my course today and discoverWho this course is for:

  • anyone who want to start build their list and make money from affiliate marketing
Posted in Development, FoodBusiness

Public Speaking: You Can Speak to Large Audiences

Public Speaking: You Can Speak to Large Audiences

Public Speaking – Imagine yourself speaking confidently and authoritatively to hundred or even thousands of people in the audience. Wouldn’t t be great to know you can speak to 1000 people just as easily and as confidently as when you speak to one person?

In this How to Speak to Large Audiences Public Speaking course, you will learn the following:

*How to appear relaxed and confident, even if you shaking on the inside

*How to avoid the common mistakes most people make when they are speaking to a large audience

*How to move around the stage effectively

*How to be clearly understood and remembered

This Public Speaking course is delivered primarily t

hrough spoken lecture. Because the skill you are learning is speaking related, it only makes sense that you learn through speaking.

The Public Speaking skill you will learn in this class is not primarily theoretical or academic. It is a skill that requires physical habits. That is why you will be asked to take part in numerous exercises where you record yourself speaking on video, and then watching yourself. Learning presentation skills is like learning how to ride a bicycle. You simply have to do it numerous times and work past the wobbling and falling off parts until you get it right.

This Public Speaking course contain numerous video lectures plus several bonus books for your training library.

TJ Walker has b×300&!8&btvi=7&fsb=1&xpc=jqFfy8QJ7y&p=https%3A// coaching and training people on their Public Speaking skills for 30 years. Now, through the power of Udemy’s online platform, he is able to give you the same high quality training that he gives in person to CEOs, Fortune 500 executives, and Presidents of countries. Only you can now receive the training at a tiny fraction of the normal fee for in-person training.

How long this course takes is up to you. The longest part of the course involves you speaking on video, critiquing yourself, and doing it over until you like it. But if you get to the point where you love how you look and sound when you present it will be well worth the time spent. And having this skill will save you time for all future presentations in your life.

You can begin imp

roving your Public Speaking skills right now. You may have an opportunity to speak out as soon as tomorrow, so why waste another day worried that your presentation skills are not up to high standards. Please enroll today.

“5 Stars! Short sweet and crystal clear instructions this guy is talking out of experience. love it.” Udemy student Youcef(Joe) seyyedi

There is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for this Public Speaking course. And the instructor also provides an enhanced guarantee.

What others say:

“TJ Walker’s single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media.” Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg Television

Posted in FoodBusiness, Office, office productivity

Zero to Hero in Microsoft Excel: Complete Excel guide 2020

Zero to Hero in Microsoft Excel: Complete Excel guide 2020

6 Reasons why you should choose this Excel course

  1. Carefully designed curriculum teaching you only the most used functionalities of Excel in business environment
  2. Concise – you can complete this course within one weekend
  3. Business related examples and case studies
  4. Ample practice exercises because Excel requires practice
  5. Downloadable resources
  6. Your queries will be responded by the Instructor himself

Start using Excel to its full potential to become proficient at your Excel tasks today!

Either you’re new to Excel, or you’ve played around with it but want to get more comfortable with Excel’s advanced features. Either way, this course will be great f

or you.

Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Excel course.

Why should you choose this course?

This is a complete and concise tutorial on MS Excel which can be completed within 6 hours. We know that your time is important and hence we have created this fast paced course without wasting time on irrelevant Excel operations.

What makes us qualified to teach you?

The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. Instructors of the course have been teaching Data Science and Machine Learning for over a decade.

We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses – with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:

Teaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.

Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete Assignments

With each lecture, there is a practice sheet attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts.

What is covered in this course?

This course covers everything you need to crack Excel in the professional work place.

Below are the Excel course contents of this complete and concise course on Microsoft Excel:

  • Introduction – In this video, the structure and contents of the course are discussed.
  • Mathematical Functions – This lecture covers Mathematical formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE,RAND, MIN & MAX, SUMPRODUCT.
  • Textual Formulas – This Excel lecture covers Textual formulas such as TRIM, CONCA
  • Logical Formulas – This lecture covers Logical formulas such as AND & OR, IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF
  • Date-time (Temporal) Formulas – This lecture covers Date-time related functions such as TODAY & NOW, DAY, MONTH & YEAR, DATEDIF & DAYS
  • Lookup Formulas – This Excel lecture covers Lookup formulas such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH
  • Data Tools – This lecture covers Data operating tools such as Data Sorting and Filtering, Data validation, Removing duplicates, Importing Data (Text-to-columns)
  • Formatting data and tables – This Excel lecture covers data formatting options such as coloring, changing font, alignments and table formatting options such as adding borders, having highlighted table headers, banded rows etc.
  • Pivot Tables – This Excel lecture covers Pivot tables end-to-end.
  • Charts – This Excel lecture covers charts such as, Bar/ Column chart, Line Chart, Scatter Plot, Pie & Doughnut charts, Statistical Chart – Histogram, Waterfall, Sparklines
  • Excel Shortcuts – This lecture will introduce you to some important shortcuts and teach you how to find out the shortcut for any particular excel operation.
  • Analytics in Excel – This Excel lecture covers the data analytics options available in Excel such as Regression,
  • Solving linear programming problem (Minimization or Maximization problems), What-if (Goal Seek and Scenario Manager)
  • Macros – This lecture covers the process of recording a Macro, running a Macro and creating a button to run a Macro.
  • Bonus Lectures – Waterfall chart in Excel 2016 and previous versions of Excel, Infographics 1: Cool charts, Infographics 2: Cool charts
  • And so much more!

By the end of this course, your confidence in using Excel will soar. You’ll have a thorough understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel for study or as a career opportunity.

Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I’ll see you in lesson

Posted in Development, FoodBusiness

JavaScript Intro to learning JavaScript web programming


Course is designed to get viewers started with using JavaScript to develop web content.  We discuss all the basics of getting started and the basics of JavaScript.

JavaScript is one of the basic languages used to create powerful web experiences.

We cover basic script tags and how they work.

The course will take students from the very basics of JavaScript teaching how to being to implement script tags and create basic JavaScript experiences.


  • No prerequisites to learning in this course
  • should have a basic understanding of web content
  • HTML knowledge is helpful but not necessary

Having HTML knowledge is useful for this course but not essential for learning JavaScript.Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn about Javascript