Posted in #design,  #business, Development, FoodBusiness, udemy free course

Database Engines Crash Course

MyISAM, Aria, InnoDB, XtraDB, LevelDB & RocksDB

Database Engines Crash Course
MyISAM, Aria, InnoDB, XtraDB, LevelDB & RocksDB

Database engines or storage engines or sometimes even called embedded databases is software library that a database management software uses to store data on disk and do CRUD (create update delete) Embedded means move everything in one software no network client-server. In this video course I want to go through the few popular database engines, explain the differences between them and finally I want to spin up a database and change its engine and show the different features on each engineWho this course is for:

  • Software Engineers and Database Engineers
Posted in #design,  #business, cyber security, Development, FoodBusiness

Batting Location Charts with Vagrant and MySQL

Use R and MySQL together to create batting location charts from large data sets.

Hello beautiful people out there!!!

This course is about working with large sets of PITCHf/x data to create batting location charts. We use R to scrape and visualize the data and MySQL to store the data. The course includes lessons on how to install a virtual Ubuntu machine, how to install MySQL, how to perform basic MySQL administrative tasks, and how to connect R and MySQL.

It would be best if you have some knowledge of R and gg plot. This can be obtained through my previous three courses in baseball analytics. However, it might be possible to follow along without this.

At a relaxed pace, the course should take about two weeks to complete.Who this course is for:

  • This course is for those who want to learn how to create a hit location chart from PITCHf/x data.
  • The course is also for those who wish to know a little about working with R and MySQL together.
  • The course is NOT for complete beginners in R.

Posted in Development, FoodBusiness, Marketing, udemy free course

Ebay Mastery

Ebay Mastery

This will Be the ONLY eBay Course that You Will EVER Need In this eBay course you will learn everything you need to know and more on how to start, run & grow your own eBay Business, I will mentor you through How to create a professional store quick and easy,Who this course is for:

  • Entrepreneurs Looking To Create A Passive Income Woking on The Side or Full Time
Posted in #design, cyber security, Marketing, Office, office productivity, udemy free course

How to Find a Winning Products For Dropshipping

How to Find a Winning Products For Dropshipping

Use my proven step-by-step guide to find the exact products you can dropship to start making 10k/month on your Shopify store. Hi I’m Aviv, when I was first starting out; I used to waste countless hours and dollars testing out product after product just to see if I was lucky enough to find a winner. This led to nothing but deeper debt. After countless money spent and a lot of failed products, I found my first successful product, then the next, and the next. I realised that there was a pattern between the failed products and the winners. Below is a sneak peek at two categories of successful products you can use for online success.

Trending products, and Universal products.

Trending products are sudden products that consumers find interesting enough to purchase for an event, movement, or season. As the name states, these products don’t last forever. They can make you thousands of dollars in a short amount of time however. In my course I’ll show you how I made my first $10,000 through these products and show you how you can do it too.

Universal products are products which have a continuous stream of consumers who are always looking to purchase this product every month. You won’t be able to scale this product to thousands of dollars in a day; however, you can generate a steady profit off them each month. The more universal products you discover the longer your store can remain profitable.

Get my guide now, and watch your online marketing dreams come true.Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who sell products online